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(CW: kinda suggestive, Jae-Hyun gets *whisper* hard)

How you managed to slip out of bed without waking up Jaehyun is beyond you. Managing to get ready to leave without so much as a stir from the man confuses you even more. Yet here you are ready for breakfast with your friends, completely ready to leave, but your boyfriend won't wake up.

You tried shaking his shoulder, calling out his name, pulling his body up, and even contemplated holding his nose. You sigh, fine, he just won't be awake when you leave. This is something you hate doing because you like seeing sleepy Jaehyun and he hates when he's not awake to see you off.

You press a kiss to his cheek, whispering "I'll be back later, love you." What you don't expect is for the gentlest actions of the morning to wake the man up.

He sits up confused while one of his hands grips your wrist and the other is placed on the mattress while he looks around. He tugs on your wrist with enough strength that it has you tumbling back onto the mattress, nearly on top of him.

"You didn't wake me up." Jaehyun pouts.

You let out a laugh, "I tried! I yelled your name for two whole minutes and you didn't move a single centimeter!"

"You could have tried harder, gimme a kiss before you leave."

You rolled your eyes, no use in arguing with him when he was like this. You leaned forward capturing his lips for what was supposed to be a short and sweet kiss.

Instead, Jaehyun cupped your face and held you close while he leaned back into the pillows. At the sudden movement, your hand came to rest on Jaehyun's abdomen to stop you from crushing him.

He stopped the kiss suddenly, face hot and eyes wide. He gulped, "You're free to go now."

"You kinda have to let go of my face first," you chuckled, "are you ok?"

His hands fell from your face, quickly diving under the covers while he tried to distract you with the random movements of his arms. You stared at him curiously, besides a warm face he looked fine, eyes trailed down to where your hands were and- oh. Oh. Your face got hot and your eyes met jaehyun's, "Did you-"

"Don't say it." He pleaded.

"You got hard from kissing me?"

The covers flew over his head in the blink of an eye while you giggled. Laughing at the awkwardness of the situation which was somehow... endearing? "I'm not laughing at you Jae, it's kind of cute."

He groaned loudly, "Don't call my boner cute y/n, you can go now."

"You love me that much Jae?" You cooed teasingly.

His voice was muffled by the sheets and now a pillow to hide his embarrassed face so you could barely make out "You're wearing my favorite pants and you know my abs are sensitive and it's morning. I can't control him."

You let out a laugh at that, pulling the blankets and pillow away from his face, "I love you, and I'd love to stay and help you out with that, but if I don't leave now you'll be the only friend I have left."

"I'm not mad about it, look- you stay here and do me a favor and I'll do you a favor. Win-win situation." He offered with much less shame than he had a few seconds ago.

You shoved his shoulder playfully with a scoff, "I'm leaving now. Go back to bed horn dog. I'll see you later."

All you got in response was a groan.

tumblr: gyeomsweetgyeom

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