The happiest

447 4 0

pairing: Jae-Hyun x reader

genre: fluff, marriage au!

word count: 1,252

warnings: pregnancy

You impatiently tap your fingers on the kitchen counter as you stare at your phone. It's been half an hour since Jaehyun texted you saying he had arrived at the airport so he should be home any minute now. He had gone on yet another business trip but this time you couldn't wait for him to arrive.

Your gaze lifts to the door and your heart beats faster as you hear the sound of keys. As soon as he steps foot inside the apartment you jump on him wrapping your arms and legs around his body. You hear him chuckle as he drops his traveling bag on the floor and places his hands around you so you don't fall, closing the door with his foot.

"Hi, princess." He says trying to see your face that is buried on his neck.

"Hi, Jae." You look up smiling as he lowers his head to give you a sweet kiss.

As your mouths part you get back on the ground.

"You must be tired from the flight." You run a hand through his hair, examining his face.

"And hungry." He glances over at the kitchen and sees the oven is on. "But I guess you're already working on that."

"Of course, now let's handle the tired part." You take his hand and he follows you with a smile, not even remembering his bag.

You lead him to the bathroom and he gasps as you open the door. The bathtub is filled with water and bubbles, rose petals decorate the floor, candles all around lit up the room and a light floral sense lingers in the air.

"Y/N... What is all this?" His eyes sparkle as he registers all the work you put into this.

"What better way to relax than a nice bath with your wife?" You wink at him removing your robe and getting into the tub. "Care to join me?"

Jaehyun is quick to get rid of all his clothes to get in the water leaning his back on your chest.

"Now," you place your hands on his shoulders and start massaging them, "tell me all about the trip."

"Well," he closes his eyes with a smile on his lips, "apart from missing you..."

He proceeds to tell you all about the terrible passenger that sat next to him on the plane, that funny thing his coworker said, the beautiful view he had from his hotel room, and how he wants to take you there one day.

"I have to go check our dinner, but you stay and enjoy your bath, ok?" He hums at your question turning to give you a passionate kiss.

"I love you, princess. Thank you for this, I needed it." He leans forward so you can get out of the tub.

"Oh Jae," you wrap a towel around your body, "I'm not even halfway done spoiling you tonight." You wink before closing the bathroom door.

Jaehyun stays for a while longer and then drains the tub taking a quick shower. He blows out all the candles before going into the bedroom to get dressed. He smiles when he sees you brought in his bag from the front door.

Once he's comfortable in a pair of sweatpants and a plain t-shirt he walks to the kitchen and gasps for the second time tonight. You have the table set with yet more candles and his favorite dish accompanied by his favorite wine.

"Go on, take a seat." You giggle as he's just staring between you and the table. "Dinner will get cold, Jae."

"Am I forgetting anything?" He slowly sits down. "It's not our anniversary yet, that's not for a couple of months... Your birthday was a few weeks ago and it's not my birthday-"

"Honey," you grab his hand over the table, "you're not forgetting anything. Can't a woman treat her man right whenever she wants? I missed you."

"Well, I should be the one doing these things for you, not the other way around..." He pouts.

"It's the 21st-century Jaehyun, nobody cares about that, just say thank you and eat your food." You kiss his hand.

"Thank you, princess." He shyly smiles showing his cute dimples as he digs into his meal.

You two keep talking and smiling like it was your first date all over again. But for some reason, he still feels like something is up.

"Y/N, are you ok?" He looks deep into your eyes knowing you wouldn't be able to lie to him.

"I'm good." You gulp as you look around the room.

"C'mon princess," he grabs your hand giving it a light squeeze that makes you look back at him, "you've been quite nervous all night, you didn't even touch your wine and I'm still suspicious of you putting all this together tonight for no reason. You know you can talk to me about anything, for better and for worst." He rubs his thumb over your wedding ring.

"Ok... There's one more surprise for you." You reach under your chair and grab a rectangular box with a bow on top. You bite your lip as you hand it over to him.

"You got me a gift too?" He raises his eyebrows as he grabs the box. "I should be the one bringing you something from my trip!"

"Just shut up and open it!" You cover your mouth with your hands as it came off a little bit more excited than you intended to.

He chuckles and opens the box. As he looks inside his eyes widen and the smile on his face drops. His hand is shaking as he grabs the object inside.

"I... Is this... Are you?" He stutters.

"Yes..." You whisper with a shy smile.

Ever since you met Jaehyun he always expressed his wish to have kids one day. Almost a year ago when you got married you both wanted to start trying but it never seemed like the right time, especially with his big promotion and the amount of travel that came with it. But you soon realized that if you kept waiting for the right time it would never come, so you quit all kinds of protection and just let things happen naturally. For a while, you had been feeling weird and when he was away you decided to take a pregnancy test just in case.

"I'm gonna be a father..." Tears start forming in his eyes and he gets up walking around the table.

You nod also getting up from your chair as his arms hug you in the warmest embrace.

"I thought you made me the happiest man on earth the day you said yes at the altar but you keep fulfilling my dreams." He leans back raising his hands to caress your cheeks. "Thank you so much, Y/N. I love you."

He kisses you passionately, both your faces covered in salty yet overly happy tears. He then gets down on his knees placing his hands over your belly, even though you're nowhere near showing a baby bump yet.

"And you, little one," he talks for the first time to your unborn child, "I will dedicate my life to you. I promise to always love you, until the end of my days."

You smile as he kisses your belly. You are sure you made the right decision marrying and starting a family with him. Jaehyun will be a great dad, just like he is a great husband.

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