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It was early in the morning, the sun was still not out, and your body was heating. You moved around to find something that could make you comfortable grinding your legs together to feel some smoothness. It did help you fall asleep, but that didn't last long.

You woke up again, finding your hand near your core, Fuck! You cursed at yourself, knowing it was your hormones kicking again. You palmed your hitting clothed core, careful enough not to make any noise so Jaehyun, your Husband, wouldn't wake up.

Still not contended by it, you grabbed the extra pillow up on your headrest and started grinding into it, suppressing some whimpers and moans. Jaehyun felt your bed moving too much, which made him wake up from his slumber. "Babe? What are you doing?" he asked, still not really getting what was in front of him.

When his eyes finally adjusted was able to finally see you clearly, dry humping, biting your bottom lips while you knead your boobs. He got up and tried to stop you, "Y/n, are you all right?" he asked. You faced him with your so lewd face wanting to be fucked so badly. "I... I think.. myy ugh hormones. God!" you respond, trying to free your hand from his grip. Still processing the scene in front of him, Jaehyun stood there trying to figure out this piece lay in his very eyes.

"Take off your clothes," he said as he removed his muscle shirt, "What?" you asked, confused. "Take off your clothes and go to the bathroom"

"I can't stop, please just let me-" He moved closer to you so close that you could actually feel the tip of his nose, "Take off your clothes and go to the bathroom. I don't want us to sleep smelling like sex and sticky after. Now move, foxy Bim"

With your back against the cold wall of the shower room and your left leg hanging on Jaehyun's arm, you're a complete mess for wanting more. This is already your fourth round inside the bathroom, excluding the hungry make-out session before you two entered the bathroom. "Ugh, faster, baby. Fas- ahh" You grabbed Jaehyun's nape to kiss him sloppily as what you are having right now is a seventh heaven that even God can't save you from how rough Jaehyun is rummaging you.

He moved faster that your back was already hitting the wall and already red from the impact, but the sex was too good that it made you numb. "I'm coming. More. I'm near," you said, which he gladly obliged. A few more thrusts, and you both released for the fifth time of the night. "This'll be the last round. Okay?" Jaehyun said as he was about to remove his shaft, but you pulled him and locked him between your embrace on his nape.

"One last. Please," you begged him. "Baby, the sun will be out in a few minutes. Plus, we have work, and we're gonna drop the twins off later. Enough already, okay?" He said in a calm way and bopped your nose and kissed your pout away. You attempted to deepen the kiss, but he dodged it and let out a chuckle, "Let's take a shower."

You were still sulking when you finished taking shower, "You can even no longer walk properly, and you still want more?" Jaehyun said as you left him inside the bathroom. He followed you into the closet and kissed your jaw, "Later, when we get home," he whispered, which took you aback.


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