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"Fuck, Jae!" You moaned loudly, gripping tightly on to his biceps as he continued to pound into you at a fast pace, "Who knew you'd still have such a high stamina after all these years. We've been at it for hours."

Jaehyun chuckled against your neck with a smirk, nipping at the delicate skin before groaning loudly into your neck when he felt your walls tighten around him, "Only for you, I could do this for hours as long as my wish can come true and I can get you swollen for me."

Smiling widely, you pulled him into a heated embrace, your hands moving to tug at his luscious brown locks, "Do it," You mumbled against his lips, "Less talk and more walk."

Only encouraging him to live his fantasy out, the sudden aggression of his hips caught you off guard and made your pussy flutter in delight. His thrusts became erratic and messy as you clawed at his back from pleasure each time he hit that particular spot he knew you'd cry over. He knew you weren't going to last long and at this rate, and neither was he.

"Shit!" You whined loudly, pulling him flush against your front as you held onto him tightly.

From the sounds of your moans and the way you gripped onto him, Jaehyun couldn't help but groan into your neck. He felt the way his cock twitched once he felt your walls clenched tightly around him. It didn't take you long to cum and he followed soon after.

"Fuck," Jaehyun mumbled under his breath, slowly removing his still half hard cock from your core to watch his cum slowly start to fall out. Although, he didn't let that happen before he stuffed two of his fingers into your sensitive walls, using his free hand to grab a pillow to position under your hips.

"We can't have any falling out, now can we?" He chuckled with a grin, moving his fingers slightly in a teasing matter which caught a gasp to escape your mouth, "Gonna fuck my cum into you, keep my babies inside of you."

You moaned louder at his dirty words, tears pricking the corner of your eyes at the overstimulation, but you didn't mind one bit. Jaehyun placed his other hand on your stomach, closing his eyes and moaning as he threw his head back in delight, "You're going to be nice and round for me. So full of my cum."

Your hips bucked as his fingers curled in you, hitting your g-spot perfectly, "Fuck, Jae. I want it," Within seconds you came again, this time you release dripping all down his fingers. He licked your juices off with a smirk, harshly pressing his lips against yours to taste yourself before falling back on the bed next to you and panting, he placed his hand on your stomach again, lightly drawing patterns on your skin with his fingers.

"I can't wait to have a little Jaehyun running around here," You smiled tiredly, placing your hand on his and interlocking your fingers.

He smiled, pressing a kiss to your forehead, "Me too baby."


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