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cw/ tw. cam sex,dom/jealous/competitive Jaehyun, choking, overstimulation, oral (m/f receiving), face fucking, fingering, biting/marking, petnames, daddy count (2), submissive reader, 'fucked you stupid', begging/worship kink, etc...

👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 5.2k

🍭 aus. cam girl reader, poly idols, idols sharing a fuck buddy, dirty boy idols, etc...

"Hey, pretty boy." You smirk when Jaehyun opens the door to the dorms. He looks gorgeous, hair a soft pink color and his eyes dark, as if he's just woken up. Jaehyun flashes you a smirk, dimples on show, and pulls you inside by your hips, planting his lips on yours immediately.

You kiss him back, enjoying the warmth of his mouth and palms, that sneak under your jacket to touch your bare waist. "You're cold," he says against your lips, pulling back and kissing your equally cold nose. He towers over you, helping push your jacket off your shoulders.

"It's cold outside," you breathe, eagerly kissing him again, arms wrapping around the back of his neck as Jaehyun's foot closes the door behind you both.

You don't mind the mess of your things left on the floor; jacket bag- Jaehyun had sent you a text an hour ago: "dorms empty"

No punctuation. You'd been smitten. And you'd known what it meant.

You just want to get to Jaehyun's room, but his broad frame blocks your way. The tall man smirks against your lips. "Eager?"

You bundle your hands in the hem of his sweater, pulling and nodding, lips moving to press kisses to the underside of his jaw. "Yeah."

"Where's your camera baby?"

You pull away from his neck and laugh. "Where's my camera?" You cock your eyebrow at him.

NCT boys are something else. Lucas, Hendery, and Johnny- are all more than willing to film with you. You're starting to realize that maybe the competition aspect of it makes them perform better, after all, they are all professionals who compete for a living.

"We can use my phone," you tell him, happy that it's in your back pocket and easily accessible. Jaehyun reaches for it but you hold it to your chest, smirking at him. "We don't have to film, you know?"

Jaehyun laughs, and he truly looks angelic. "I know we don't have to," he says, grinning down at you. "You have no idea how fucking hot this is, do you? All of us being able to do this with you?" The gorgeous idol grabs your hips again, pressing his lips to yours. This time he's the one moving back towards his room, dragging you with him. "Turn your chat room on, then give me the phone," he commands softly when you get to his door.

You do as you're told, watching quietly to see what he'll do next.

"Go get naked, and then put on one of my shirts," he instructs.

You follow through with this too, walking past Jaehyun into his room. His eyes, and the camera, follow you.

He, they, watch you strip slowly. You keep your now bare back to the camera, teasing a little when you bend over to remove your jeans.

You find a clean shirt folded by the bed and you put it on, smoothing it down so it lands on your mid-thigh. Then you wiggle out of your panties.

You turn to face Jaehyun, eyes on him, waiting for further instruction.

"Now get on the bed," he says, voice lowering.

You do as you're told, getting into the familiar bed and laying flat, with your legs closed.

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