Moving In Series(3)

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Apartment Hunting

Summary: It was time to look for apartments when suddenly, there was a bit of change with the schedules.

Pairing: Jaehyun x Reader

Words: 4.5k

Genre: established au, idol! jaehyun, YouTuber!reader, fluff, suggestive smut

Warning/s: smut, but kinda not? lol only suggestive, nothing too serious, just intimate moments with domestic jaehyun and whatnot, a whole ass paragraph of kissing, also purely unedited I'm sorry :(

Author's Note/s: this just came to me like a flood lol so this part takes place before they filmed the Q&A.

Happy Lunar New Year, everyone!

tags: ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ (pls tag or message me if you would like to be included in the tag list!)

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The lease with your apartment will be ending in a few months, and it gives just ample time for both of you to look for a new one to move in. But the catch is, Jaehyun is confirmed to star in a new drama that will most probably air early next year. When he broke the news, you would be lying if you said that it did not make you anxious even one bit. But he was so happy to receive the news that he was officially playing the role; you did not dare to tell him. Jaehyun seemed to have noticed it as if he could see through you. He assures you that it will not affect anything for a while and that he will still be actively involved. Also, informing you that filming will start a little after winter starts. You cursed the way he knew you too well. Nonetheless, just knowing that he still will be with you made you feel better.

Trying to cope with the sudden change of schedule, you open the Notion app on your laptop and create a new page solely dedicated to your future home with the love of your life. You use this app more often than not to make sure that nothing is left undone or forgotten. You have always said in your videos that without it, your life would be a complete mess. Also, once in one of your videos that scheduling and organizing your thoughts help you relieve stress.

With the newly created page putting Just Home Things for the title, you started to look for apartments online, listing them on the app to track and show them to Jaehyun. Generally, you may or may not have spent the last four hours looking and listing apartments making your head throb from looking at your laptop screen for too long. Deciding that it was time to eat something to ease the pain you felt, you head off to your little kitchen, scanning what is in your fridge. You took a mental note that you need to go to the supermarket to stock up on both your fridge and pantry.

You decided to make kimchi fried rice since there was enough kimchi, eggs, and some leftover rice from last night. Plus, it was the easiest thing you could do with what was left.

You heard your phone ring, indicating that there was a message notification while you were cooking. Not wanting to burn anything, you decided to check it later when you were finished.

You believe that as a foreigner, that kimchi fried rice was like a gift from the heavens. It was easy to make, had no complicated instructions whatsoever, ingredients could be found within reach, and was delicious. Finishing up, you did not want to transfer the food onto a plate. Deciding it was best to carry the pan over to your table to eat, partnering it with a glass of red wine, then lighting your favorite scented candle. You were so immersed in the moment that you forgot you received a text message a while ago. After eating, you went to the bathroom and took a shower, freshened up a bit, and got changed into your very comfy loungewear.

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