Moving In(Series)

514 5 2

Pairing: Idol!Jaehyun x Youtuber!Reader

Genre: fluff, established relationship! au

Warning/s: none other than the fact that I wrote this with domestic Jaehyun in mind?? this is purely unedited:((((

Prompt: Jaehyun wants to move in with you but is afraid that he's going way too fast.

Word count: 3.1k

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It has been roughly two months since you and Jaehyun went public with your relationship and since then your relationship has become more serious.

"Tyong hyung..." Jaehyun called out.

"Oh?" Taeyong responded.

"When did you ask Noona to move in with you?" Jaehyun asked.

"Ah. It's getting that serious huh?" The older one chuckled.

"Well, it honestly differs with each person." He stated. "But for me, we openly talked about it. And as our schedules got busier, I longed for her every single night in bed. I had a hard time falling asleep because I missed her and wanted her beside me. At that point, I knew that I wanted to move in with her." He added.

Jaehyun nodded and listened to his older brother about his own experiences and thoughts about the situation.

He thought of the feelings and worries he has been having the past couple of days.

"Are you thinking of moving in with y/n?" Taeyong asked causing the younger man to break out of his thoughts.

"Well. Yeah? I guess so?" Jaehyun responded. "But I was kinda having these thoughts that I may have been going too fast and that it'll scare her away." he rambled. "I like her. And I'm afraid that she'll get distant." he continued.

"Jae.." Taeyong started. "You're overthinking. And I know for sure that it's not going to scare y/n away." he continued. "From what I see, y/n-ie is fond of you. I see how she takes care of you and other people don't normally do the things she does to take care of you if they don't love them," he added.

"Hyung, thank you," Jaehyun stated.

"Think about it carefully and then talk about it with y/n. Communication is always key to a great relationship. Okay?"

Jaehyun nodded with a smile. And he went home that night thinking about it carefully.

When he finally arrived at the comfort of his bed in his shared room with Jungwoo, he pulled out his phone and sent you a message.

to my love: babe?

to my love: just finished work and home now

to my love: still awake?

Jaehyun figured that while he was waiting for your reply he could quickly go to the bathroom and freshen up and get changed into his pajamas.

He came back to his room feeling refreshed after the long hours at work. He collapsed on his bed and checked his phone if you have replied to his messages.

He smiled at his notification reading that it was from you.

from my love: yup

from my love: just finished editing a vlog

from my love: I'm in bed rn

from my love: getting ready to sleep

to my love: babe, how does a date on sat feels?

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