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You arched your back as Jaehyun slapped your ass from behind, roughly thrusting his fat cock into you. He grabbed the both of your hands and locked them behind your back, burying your face into the pillow. He continued his hard thrusts making you moan loudly. He pulled you up making your back touch his chest and he pressed his lips on the curve of your neck. One of his hand travelled down as he spread your pussy lips. As Jaehyun bit the curve of your neck, he pinched your clit between his thumb and index finger making your cry in a mix of pain and pleasure. Your hands grabbed his, trying to push his fingers off your clit but he trailed his hand towards your neck and pressed the sides, cutting your blood flow, heightening your senses. You clenched tightly around his cock, making him hiss, pulling your hair hard. His hand went back to your clit and he rapidly slapped it making you squeal. Clear liquid splashed out everytime, making you twist in his grip, clenching hard on his length. Jaehyun let out a gruff moan as he bit your shoulder again, releasing ropes of cum on you. He kept grinding you on his dick, riding both of your orgasms. His hand pressed around your neck again as he turned it to face him. He pressed your cheek open and spit on your tongue, making you moan at the filthy action. He then kissed you softly before your feel your tried self drift out off consciousness.

tumblr: baechaechannie

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