i d i o t

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stanford queen

'I really don't feel well',

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'I really don't feel well',

I said as we began to do our morning rounds, Cristina laughed slightly,

'you do kind of look like crap',

Cristina said to me, I sarcastically smiled at her,

'thanks for the concern',

I said to her stopping in the hallway and holding onto the rail, she looked back at me concerned. Our interns were following us and wouldn't stop staring,

'go to the pit and find something to do',

Cristina yelled at them; they quickly scattered and headed towards the pit. Cristina looked at me concerned before lifting up my scrub top,

'y/n what the heck?!',

Cristina essentially yelled at me, I gulped slightly as she began to look at it. She quickly grabbed a cloth and put it on to the wound. She looked at me extremely concerned,

'Jackson can you get me a wheel chair?!',

Cristina yelled as she saw him walk through the halls, he quickly grabbed a wheelchair and ran it to us. Cristina looked at me and pointed to the chair,

'y/n sit down; we going to have to give you some blood units because it looks like you've lost a lot of blood',

Cristina said to me, I shook my head at her,

'I'm fine',

I said trying to walk. Cristina grabbed on to my arm and essentially forced me into the chair,

'sit down you idiot'.

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