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'where is she?!',

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'where is she?!',

I heard Jackson yell walking into the pit, I quickly stood up from the ground as I heard his voice. Meredith looked at me slightly concerned,

'y/n take it easy',

She said to me, I shook my head at her and ran out of the room. I made eye contact with him and the tears just flowed from my eyes, I ran towards Jackson even though it hurt like crazy, I jumped into his arms wrapping my arms around his neck,

'take me home please',

I said quietly in his ears, his arms cradled me with one hand resting on my head and his other hand resting on my lower back,

'baby I need to clean you up first okay but then we can go home okay?',

Jackson somewhat said and somewhat asked me, I nodded my head at him. Jackson went to let go of me but I held on to him tighter,

'it's okay baby, it's okay I won't let go of you okay',

Jackson said comforting me, I nodded my head at him,

'do you want any help?',

Meredith asked him, Jackson shook his head at her,

'no I've got this covered',

Jackson said to me. Jackson moved my arms to around his neck before lifting me slightly off of the ground, I slowly wrapped my legs around his waist,

'let's go get you cleaned up',

Jackson said to me, I buried my head into his neck. He put a hand around my waist and his other hand cradling the back on my head, he somewhat quickly moved into the closest exam rooms that was free. We walked in and locked the door, I was somewhat relaxed knowing that no one was able to get back in,

'I'm sorry Jackson',

I said to him looking down not wanting to my eye contact with him. Jackson hands slowly moved on to my face, his hands cupping my cheeks/face,

'baby don't apologise; this isn't your fault; I just need to clean you up and then we can go home'.

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