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'y/n! Baileys looking for you, you're supposed to be in surgery?',

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'y/n! Baileys looking for you, you're supposed to be in surgery?',

Jackson yelled walking into the attendings lounge, I looked up at him and shook my head as I sat on one of the couches,

'I don't think I'll be operating today',

I said to him, he looked at me as if I had gone mad,

'I am bleeding',

I said to him, he looked at me confused before walking over to me, I held my hand up ,

'and before you ask the pains a ten',

I said to him, he looked at me confused,

'what do you mean baby? Your pain can't be a ten it's probably just a small scratch',

Jackson said to me. I let out a shaky breath before reaching my hands out, Jackson grabbed my hands and helped me stand up. My hands slowly lifted up my scrub top to reveal the large bruise that was forming along with a medium sized cut across my side. Jackson's eyes grew wide,

'never mind holy shit baby you seriously need some medical attention right now',

Jackson said to me, I nodded my head at him,

'let me get some help!'.

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