s u r g e r y

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this suit though

'what was that look for?',

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'what was that look for?',

I asked as I saw Bailey, Owen, Derek and Cristina walk into my hospital room, Derek walked over to me and grabbed my hand. Both Derek, Owen and Bailey avoided my eye contact, I looked up at Cristina who was the only person that was not avoiding my eye contact,

'Cristina tell me what is going on?',

I asked her my voice slightly shaking, she let out a deep breath before walking over to the side of my bed,

'we need to go back in a open you up again to reoperate because there is still a piece of the bullet located in your neck and it is pressing against your carotid artery',

Cristina said, I shook my head at her,


I said to them, everyone looked at me confused,

'y/n what do you mean no?',

Bailey asked me sounding slightly annoyed, I shook my head not wanting to respond. I looked at Derek with tears in my eyes,

'give us the room',

Derek said to me, everyone slowly walked out of the room. Derek quickly got up and shut the door before walking back over to me and sitting on the side of my bed,

'I don't want to have another surgery',

I said to Derek as tears began to fall from my eyes, Derek grabbed my hand,

'baby I know it means you'll be in hospital longer but it means that you aren't going to have to live in fear that one day that piece of bullet could move and go into the carotid and kill you; because I want to have a life with you so please have this surgery'.

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