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'and how exactly are you going to get in on a surgery? you've essentially been black listed by the chief because of that silly little thing that happened you know that caused you trauma but like still',

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'and how exactly are you going to get in on a surgery? you've essentially been black listed by the chief because of that silly little thing that happened you know that caused you trauma but like still',

Cristina said to me, I looked at her unimpressed,

'you don't need to remind me',

I said to her, she looked at me laughing slightly,

'what which part just so I know for the future; the trauma or you being blacklisted?',

Cristina asked me, I quickly whacked her in the arm,

'both you idiot',

I said to her, she nodded her head taking a mental note of what I had just said,

'so how are you going to get a surgery?',

Cristina asked me again, I smiled at her,

'the same way I got where I am',

I said to her, she looked at me confused,

'I don't think nepotism will help you here y/n',

Cristina said to me, my jaw dropped slightly,

'how dare you think I'm that shallow? I'm not an Avery, I got where I am by sleeping with people',

I said to her, she laughed as I had a smile on my face. I walked away from her walking towards the OR board where Doctor Mark Sloan was standing,

'so doctor Sloan what exciting surgery do you have this afternoon that I would be able to view and admire?',

I asked him, he looked at me concerned,

'are you whoring yourself out for surgery?'.

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