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'y/n, did you want to take a break you've been standing for 14 hours',

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'y/n, did you want to take a break you've been standing for 14 hours',

Meredith said to me, I shook my head at her,

'Meredith I'm absolutely fine',

I said to her even though I was feeling quite faint,

'are you sure y/n you look quite pale?',

Meredith asked me, I nodded my head before I heard a noise from the viewing box. I looked up and saw Link in there,

'y/n, Meredith is right you look pale; just have a two minute break to eat and drink something okay',

Link said with a slight bit of anger in his voice, I let out a deep breath before putting my tools down and walking back into the scrub room. A few seconds later Link walked into the room with a drink and some food for me,

'baby you shouldn't be doing this surgery; you've just come back to work',

Link said to me, I shook my head at him,

'I'm fine',

I said eating the food, he shook his head at me.

'let me look at your wound then',

Link said to me, I was hesitant but I took off my surgical gown and lifted up my scrub top looking straight ahead not wanting to look at it, Link crouched down to look at my stomach where the wound was,

'y/n you're stitched are ripped open, there is blood seeping through you're bandage',

Link said standing up and grabbing a mask before walking into the operating room,

'I'm going to send Kepner in to help you finish the surgery because y/n's stitches have opened all the way up and it looks like she has lost a lot of blood',

Link said to Meredith, she gave me a disapproving look through the glass. Link came back into the scrub room quickly picking me up,

'y/n I know you love surgery but this may be a little far'.

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