h o s p i t al

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'y/n I need to put you're name up on the board but I don't want to do that until you've told Link because the last thing I need is for him to coming storming into the pit',

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'y/n I need to put you're name up on the board but I don't want to do that until you've told Link because the last thing I need is for him to coming storming into the pit',

Owen said to me, I shook my head at him,

'no, please just put my name up on the board I don't care if he sees it, I just don't want to tell him I'm here',

I said to him, he shook his head at me,


Owen said sternly, I let out an extremely shaky breath. I held my hand out,

'give me the phone Owen',

I said to him extremely unwillingly, he nodded his head at me and handed it to me. I slowly began to dial the number for OR 2 as I knew he wouldn't answer his mobile,


Someone answered, I let out a slight breath,

'I need you to pass a message to Doctor Lincoln',

I said over the phone, the person of the answered side responded to me. I let out another breath before finally saying something,

'would you be able to tell Doctor Lincoln that his girlfriend is currently in the emergency room getting treated?',

I said over the phone. I heard the person relay that information out to the OR, a few moments later I received a response,

'doctor Kim is now doing the case and Doctor Lincoln will be down shortly',

The woman said bluntly before hanging up the phone. I slowly handed the phone back to Owen,

'he is uh on his way'.

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