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idk why this is hot

'okay please come in and wake me up in exactly 25 minutes',

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'okay please come in and wake me up in exactly 25 minutes',

I said to my intern with my hand on the door of an on call room, I opened the door before having someone grab my hand,

'uh did I not just tell you-',

I said turning around but quickly stopped as I saw it was Link,

'oh what's going on baby?',

I asked him confused by his presence as he was supposed to be in surgery. Without saying a word he put the back of his hand on my forehead,

'what are you doing? aren't you supposed to be in surgery? ',

I asked him, he looked at me extremely concerned as he felt my temperature,

'Link what are you doing?',

I asked him confused, he slowly pushed me towards a bed so I could sit down,

'baby you're burning up, you shouldn't be at work',

Link said to me, I looked at him somewhat confused,

'I'm fine plus if I was sick which I am not the hospital would be the best place for me to be',

I said in a somewhat cheeky tone in response, Link rolled his eyes at me slightly shaking his head at me,

'y/n I am being serious; you have a fever and you look incredibly pale. I am cancelling both mine and your surgeries and we are going home so I can take care of you'.

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