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'okay Jo go and get our patient and I will meet you in there',

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'okay Jo go and get our patient and I will meet you in there',

I said to her standing next to the OR board, Jo smiled at me and nodded her head,

'sure thing also incoming',

Jo said to me, I looked at her confused,


I asked her and she smiled before walking away,

'it's him',

She said as she did, I grew even more confused before looking behind me to see what she was talking about, I realised it was Jackson. I avoided him and quickly made my way to my OR, I made my way into the scrub room, the door opened after I had entered and out of the corner of my eye I realised that it was Jackson. I began to scrub my hands and Jackson stood next to me,

'are you really going to ignore me?',

Jackson asked me. I let out a deep breath before turning the sink off and turning to face him, I put one hand on my hip and the other hand resting on the sink,

'Yes I am because I truly wish I had never met you',

I said to him knowing it would hurt him; it hurt me even saying it. Jackson looked at me in a way I had never seen before

'you don't mean that'.

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