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'is everybody okay?',

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'is everybody okay?',

Bailey yelled as a gun went off in the pit; it was actually in a women and went off. I was laying on the ground with blood pouring out of me,


Bailey yelled, I grunted slightly trying to apply pressure on my own gun wound, Bailey quickly ran towards me and got on the ground next to me,

'what is going on in here?',

I heard Jackson yell as he walked into the pit sounding slightly concerned, Bailey looked at me concerned,

'Can someone help me over here!?',

I heard Bailey yell, looking down at me before looking around. She quickly grabbed a cloth and placed in on the wound,

'what do you need Chief?',

I heard Jackson ask, he still hadn't realised that it was me on the ground. Bailey shook her head,

'No Jackson, help robbins you can't help me here! It's y/n',

Bailey somewhat yelled at him. Jackson moved closer to me, he made eye contact with me and shook his head at Bailey,

'no! we need to get her on to a gurney',

Jackson said quickly getting on the ground next to me. My eyes flickered close,

'Chief she's loosing a lot of blood right now',

Jackson said to me. I looked over at Bailey and she was slightly frozen, Jackson realised she would not be able to do what was need,

'y/n I am going to have to do this right now or you could die'.

part 2 coming

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