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'okay let's get to the pit',

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'okay let's get to the pit',

I said to Jo as my pager went off, she looked at me confused,

'Do you really think you should be working right now?',

Jo asked me, I nodded my head at her,

'I'm fine Jo',

I said to her, she raised hart eyebrows at me before laughing slightly and shaking her head at me,

'ahaha no you most definitely are not; for some reason you are the most awful person when it comes to your own health even though you're a doctor',

She said to me, I raised my eyebrows at her,

'Jo you do realise that you just insulted your boss',

I said to her questioning what she had just said, she smiled at me somewhat awkwardly,

'yes but you are my best friend so it doesn't matter right?'

Jo said to me. I took a moment before nodding my head at her in agreeance. I went to speak when Link came towards us,

'Link, you need to figure out what on earth is wrong with your girlfriend right now',

Jo said to Link, I sarcastically smiled at her,

'thanks for throwing me under the bus Jo, but I'm fine',

I said to her quite sarcastically, she laughed slightly and shook her head at me. Link looked down at me concerned,

'y/n do you even realise how pale you are right now?!',

Link essentially yelled, I shook my head at him,

'Link I'm fine seriously Jo is just overreacting that's all'.

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