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'where's my phone?',

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'where's my phone?',

I croaked out with tears in my eyes, April looked at me concerned slowly handing me my phone as we sat at Jo's together,

'y/n what's wrong?',

April asked me, i shook my head at her,

'I need to get out of here',

I said quickly chucking some money on the table before moving quickly to the exit walking up the stairs and outside. I stopped outside the bar trying to decide what to do as I really wasn't sure; I was wondering if I should walk back over to the hospital or not. I pulled my phone out and rang the person I knew could come to me as quick as possible; Mark. The phone rang twice before he picked it up,

'y/n I told you no more booty calls if you want me I get to take you out on a date first',

Mark said quickly but somewhat groggily in to the phone. I let out a shaky breath as the tears began to well in my eyes,

'y/n what's going on?',

Mark asked sounded a lot more serious, I let out another breath,

'c-can you please come and get me?',

I stuttered out to him, I heard him run around gathering something,

'y/n I'll be there as soon as I can but can you tell me where you are right now?',

Mark asked me extremely concerned, I nodded my head as tears fell,

'I-I'm just at Jo's, I'm not far I-I just can't move',

I said completely stuttering over my words,

'okay, y/n I'm on my way down right I'll be there in 30 seconds okay, don't hang up the phone',

Mark said to me. I couldn't say anything, I slowly began to nod my head at him. After a few moments, I could hear someone running towards me, I looked up and realised it was Mark, I quickly hung up the phone. I slowly stood up, he moved towards me and wrapped his arms around me, I collapsed into him,

'I've got you'.

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