w o r k

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'well hello there',

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'well hello there',

Derek said to me as the elevator doors opened, I smiled at him awkwardly unsure of what I should say. I stepped in and the doors closed,

'what are you doing here baby?',

Derek asked me, I turned to face him,

'I'm here to perform surgery and I'm excited it's been too long since I last touched a scalpel',

I said to him letting out a large breath, he looked at me confused,

'uhhh don't think you think it's a little too soon to be back at work since having surgery',

Derek said to me, I blanked stared at him before turning away from him and walking through the halls. I heard him follow behind me but I was trying to walk faster so he couldn't catch up to me,

'y/n we've got to talk about this',

Derek said to me as he caught up to me, I let out a loud breath,

'no we don't. this is my choice not yours',

I said to him, he raised his eyebrows at me,

'I am fine Derek, I am okay, I have been cleared by some doctors to be here and if I feel like it's too early I will cut back on my hours but I am fine',

I said to him somewhat sternly, he let out a sigh as he slowly nodded his head at me,

'y/n; I don't know who cleared you but it is too early, I will be checking all of your vitals and your wound site every two hours. I am not okay with you being back but I am glad you are'.

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