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'holy hell',

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'holy hell',

I said as I just got completely wiped out by a crash cart being pushed by an erratic patient, I quickly saw someone take down the patient. I got lifted off the ground by Owen and Link being put on a gurney before being wheeled into trauma bay one,

'baby you're going to be okay',

Link said lightly resting his hand on my stomach, I reached for his hand moving it further up my chest as I knew for sure the I had at least three broken ribs and one of them was puncturing my lung. I gasped trying to get air into my lungs, he understood what I was motioning toward,

'she can't breathe; I think she's got a punctured lung we need to get a chest tube in now!',

Link yelled sternly, I nodded my head at him. Link slowly began to move his hand down my ribs trying to find the greatest place, I groaned in pain as he applied pressure and almost immediately sliced my skin,

'baby I'm sorry but this is going to hurt even more',

Link said, I groaned in pain as he sliced once again before inserting a tube into my lung. I gripped on to his shoulder as the pain continued,

'you couldn't give me morphine before you did that!'.

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