l u n c h e s

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'baby, I just did the most amazing surgery; I wish you could've seen it but anyway how are you feeling?',

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'baby, I just did the most amazing surgery; I wish you could've seen it but anyway how are you feeling?',

Jackson asked me walking into my hospital room, I smiled at him softly,

'I wish I could have seen it to',

I said to him, Jackson smiled at me sympathetically sitting down next to me with his lunch. Jackson went to respond but the rest of our friends walked into my room with their food; since I had surgery they have been using my room as a lunch room. Everyone was sat around me,

'y/n, I'm rounding on you tomorrow so no funny business I'm serious',

April said to me, I shook my head slightly,

'I can't promise that',

I said smiling at her, Jackson looked at me unimpressed,

'I'm just kidding baby',

I said back to him, he nodded his head at me,

'good because you know if you spike a fever you could have an infection',

Jackson said I shook my head at me,

'baby you do remember that I am also a doctor',

I said to him, he smiled at me and nodded his head at me,

'do you want my jello?',

Jackson asked me, I nodded my head at him leaning over and taking it. I winced in pain slightly, Jackson raised his eyebrows at me,

'I'm fine',

I said quietly beginning to open my jello, Jackson went say something but everyone's pagers went off,

'multiple mvc, all hands on deck',

Alex said reading his pager, everyone quickly put their lunches down and going to run out. Jackson quickly stood up and gave me a quick kiss before leaving,

'sorry baby I love you',

I heard him yell as he ran down the corridor. After a few minutes Bailey walked into my room,

'y/n, why on earth do you have so many lunches in here?!'.

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