c a r e

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him with sofia is incredible

'y/n I'm going to be here the whole time okay',

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'y/n I'm going to be here the whole time okay',

Bailey said to me, I softly smiled at her,

'well as you're doing my surgery I would hope so',

I said to her, she laughed slightly,

'we'll get through this together okay',

Bailey said, I smiled at her slightly,

'ah chief you should know that I'm probably not going to be able to work for the next few days',

I said to her slightly joking, Bailey nodded her head at me,

'a few weeks y/n? once your discharged after surgery you will not step foot into this hospital for at least 4 weeks unless it's for your check ups okay?',

Bailey said to me, I slowly agreed with her nodding my head. I went to say something else what the OR door opened and Bailey looked up,

'uh-uh out now',

Bailey said to me, I raised my eyebrows at her confused at what was happening,

'no I am not leaving',

The person said, I quickly realised who it was and I wasn't entirely sure whether I wanted him in the OR or wanted him to be as far away from me as possible. I let out a shaky breath,

'why are you here Mark?',

I asked him bluntly, I heard him move closer. Bailey stepped down from her stool and moved towards him,

'Mark you need to leave',

Bailey said to him. I tensed up unsure of what to do,

'M-Mark please don't make this any harder than it needs to be right now',

I said slowly sitting up, not wishing to make eye contact with him. Mark continued to move towards me,

'y/n, I still care about you; I'm not going to leave you'.

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