chapter four

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August 6, 1984

"Whatcha doing?" Lily poked her head around the door.

Kurt nearly jumped out of his skin. He scrambled off his bed, trying to hide the tin-foil pipe and plastic bag full of bud. "Nothing! I'm not doing anything." he yelped.

Lily walked into the room and sat on the bed next to Kurt. "It smells funny in here." she stated. Kurt laughed a little. "I know you were smoking weed, Kurt. I'm not stupid."

Kurt was surprised, but he really shouldn't have been. He knew Lily was smart. She wasn't just smarter than the kids in her class, she was smarter than her sister. And definitely smarter than him. He sucked at school.

"Yeah, you caught me." he said with a smile.
"What're you doing here anyway? It's late."

Lily looked down at her hands. "Mom and Daddy got really drunk at the neighbors'. They're angry. So Tessa called your mom and she said we could stay here tonight." she said slowly, trying not to sound upset.

Kurt nodded. "Well that's great!" he said after a minute.

Lily looked up at him confused. How could this be a good thing? Kurt jumped off the bed and went across the room to his record player. After a few seconds of fiddling, the Magical Mystery Tour started pouring through the speakers.

"We can have a dance party!" said Kurt excitedly. He pulled Lily off the bed and grabbed her hands. He twirled her around and tried to do a dance resembling the tango with her. It didn't work well, considering the fact that he was about twice her size, but that didn't matter. Soon the two of them were singing along to the music and dancing around the room laughing the whole time.

About 10 minutes later, Tessa appeared in the doorway. It didn't take much convincing for her to join in the fun and then all three of them were singing, dancing, and jumping. That is, until Kurt's step dad yelled at them to shut up and go to sleep because some people had work in the morning goddamnit.

Later that night, Tessa, Kurt, and Lily were all tucked into Kurt's full size bed. Kurt was squished against the wall, Tessa's right leg was hanging off the edge of the bed, and Lily was squeezed in between them.

Lily's huge brown eyes opened in the darkness. "Kurt?" she whispered. "Kurt, are you awake?"

"Mm...Mhm,"he responded groggily.

"I just wanted to say thank you," whispered Lily. "For making me feel better."

Kurt opened his eyes and looked at her. "Of course. Anytime."

Lily smiled wide. "I love you, Kurt."

Kurt grinned and pulled her into a hug. "I love you too, Lily." he whispered in her ear. "Now go to sleep."

Lily drifted off into a deep, peaceful sleep nestled in Kurt's arms. She felt safe and warm. Like nothing could hurt her. And in that moment, there was nowhere in the whole world she would rather be.

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