chapter forty two

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May 16, 1993

"What's your dream vacation?" Kurt asked as he sat at the dining room table smoking a cigarette.

Krist thought for a second, taking a sip from the red wine in his glass before responding. "I like Europe. And I'd love to go to Paris with Shelli sometime."

"Awwww that's really sweet, Krist!" Lily called from the kitchen. She stood at the stove, stirring a huge pot filled with melted cheese sauce.

"Thanks, Lily," Krist chuckled.

Kurt smiled. "Yeah Paris is a good choice..." he mused, taking another drag from his cigarette. "What about you, Dave?" He asked, nudging his best friend who was distracted by the kitten in his lap.

"Huh? What?" Dave said, looking up from Pippin confusedly. "What are we talking about?"

Krist and Kurt laughed a little. "What's your dream vacation?" Kurt repeated.

"Fuck man, that's hard," Dave said, his eyebrows knitting together in concentration. "I wanna go to the moon."

At this, Lily appeared in the doorway. "You can't just go to the moon, Dave," she said, rolling her eyes as a teasing smile played on her lips, her arms crossed and resting on top of her belly.

"He said dream vacation, dingus," retorted Dave. Lily made a face at him. Dave stuck his tongue out at her. Lily went back to the kitchen. "I won." Dave whispered to Pippin.

Kurt chuckled to himself, taking a drink from his beer.

"What about you, Cobain?" Krist asked. "What's your dream vacation?"

"I like the beach," said Kurt. "But really I just love anywhere I can relax and be around people I love. But I really like being in nature, too, so maybe like a cabin in the woods or something."

Krist and Dave nodded, agreeing that a cabin in the woods sounded nice. Kurt was the most introverted of the group, but they could appreciate and enjoy peace and quiet too.

Lily emerged from the kitchen again, this time taking a seat at the table next to Kurt and sighing as she leaned back in her chair, her body relaxing as she let her feet rest from carrying her weight. Being pregnant and heaving around a tiny person inside her stomach all day had turned out to be a lot more exhausting than she had thought it would be. But she wasn't complaining; Kurt had been the sweetest boyfriend in the universe to her, running her baths after work, reading to her and cuddling at night, doing almost all of the chores around the house, and even surprising her with breakfast in bed a few times.

"What's yours, Lily?" Dave asked.

Lily was quiet for a moment, thinking over her answer. "I like the beach too," she said. "I think maybe Florida or something – I mean I would've loved to go with you guys to Brazil – but I'd also like a house in the woods. I'd probably still want to be near water, though. Like a lake house or something."

"Damn, a lake house would be awesome," agreed Krist. "That's what we should do whenever we make our next album. Get a lake house in the forest and just disappear for like four months to work on it."

"Oh fuck yeah, I'm so in," said Dave, holding up his hand for Krist to high-five.

Lily giggled at them and turned to look at Kurt, who seemed to be deep in thought.

"That's actually a pretty good idea, Krist," he said after a minute or two. "But we should probably release the album we just recorded before we start working on another one."

"Good plan," Krist laughed.

"Is the food ready yet?" Dave asked, looking at Lily with big, hopeful eyes.

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