chapter fifteen

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~ about two hours later ~

Lily spun around on the dance floor, giggling like mad and throwing her hands up in the air. Kurt stood off to the side, watching her with a smile on his face. Lily had completely recovered from Courtney's snide remark (with the help of some more vodka) and was enjoying the courage and energy that the party and the alcohol gave her. Running over to Kurt, Lily grabbed his hands and tried to pull him into the crowd of people dancing in the dining room.

"Come onnnn, Cobain!" She begged. "Come dance with me!"

Kurt laughed and shook his head. "I'm not really the dancing type."

Lily rolled her eyes and tugged on his hands again. "Pleaseee?" She said, walking closer to him and leaning her forehead against his. She made a comedic begging face, which Kurt found adorable, and finally succeeded in getting him to join in.

Lily dragged him onto the dance floor and, holding both of his hands tightly in hers, the two started dancing. Kurt was awkward at best and horrible at worst, but Lily just laughed and kept dancing. She didn't mind making a fool of herself, especially if it meant making her friends feel better and having fun. It only took half a second for Kurt to start laughing along with Lily and his dancing even improved as he relaxed more.

The music changed to Girls on Film by Duran Duran, and Lily gasped. "I love this song!" she squealed, the vodka making her girly side more prominent in all the cutest ways.

Kurt chuckled and twirled her around, making her giggle in delight and bounce up and down on her toes. Kurt watched as Lily danced, and his heart filled with joy. She looked free, and happy, like the little girl he used to know. There was glitter under her eyes instead of dark circles, and her shoulders weren't slumped like usual. Her body moved to the music with such a beautiful ease, her laugh ringing out like a bell, she captivated the attention of everyone in the room. But when she finally stopped spinning around, her eyes found Kurt in an instant.
Her face lit up even more when she saw him, if that was possible. She rushed into his arms, and he held her close. Again he found himself thinking how lucky he was that she was his. As long as he didn't fuck it up, that is.

The music changed again, this time to Starman by David Bowie, and Kurt and Lily started to sway slowly in each others' arms. The soft music filled the room, and Lily closed her eyes as she rested her face on Kurt's chest. He smiled, holding her closer as he started to sing along to the song. Her body fit against his so perfectly, her soft curves against his rough edges.

Lily looked up, resting her chin on Kurt's chest as she gazed up at him. He was so pretty, his voice somehow harsh and soft at the same time, and the combination of Kurt's existence, the alcohol she'd had, and the music was making her feel something she hadn't felt before. Standing on her tip-toes, she leaned in and whispered in Kurt's ear.

"I think I'm falling in love with you,"

Kurt blushed, a huge smile spreading across his face. "I think I'm falling in love with you too, Lily,"  he replied.

He kissed her, hard, with so much force that it took Lily's breath away. And when she gasped for air, his tongue slipped into her mouth, gliding against hers and making her moan softly. The small noise was almost enough to make Kurt lose it completely; he wanted to make her moan again, louder, and harder until she was screaming. Without breaking the kiss, Kurt pulled the two of them over into a corner of the room and pressed Lily against the wall. His hands wandered over her body, sending shivers up Lily's spine. He smiled as his lips traveled down her jawline to her neck. Lily gasped when Kurt sunk his teeth into her skin, clamping a hand over her mouth to keep herself quiet. Her eyes fluttered closed as his tongue dragged across the bite, softening the pain as his hands squeezed her body closer to him.

Kurt pulled away slightly, grinning down at the flustered state Lily was in. Her cheeks were red, her lips parted as she breathed heavily. She gazed up at Kurt through her long dark lashes and he could see the lust and longing that filled her eyes — the same look his own eyes held. He leaned in to kiss her again, but before he could, someone barged into the room and shouted "Ten seconds to midnight!!" Making everyone explode with excitement as they rushed to the next room to watch the countdown and ring in the new year.

Lily grabbed Kurt's hand and pulled him into the room along with everyone else, her face lit up with joy as she called out the numbers. Still grinning from ear to ear, Kurt wrapped his arms around Lily's waist and held her close to him. The clock struck midnight and Lily the room erupted with screams and cheers of "HAPPY NEW YEAR!!"

Lily whirled around to face Kurt. She held his face in her hands and gazed lovingly into his eyes as she leaned close and whispered, "Happy New Year, Kurt,"

"Happy New Year, Lily," he replied before closing the space between them and pressing his lips to hers.

Lily giggled and put her lips to Kurt's ear. "I think we should go back to your place..." she said, her lips brushing against his face.

Without saying a word, Kurt took Lily's hand and led her through the crowded house. Grabbing their coats and pulling her out the door, Kurt rushed to his car. He yanked open the door and put Lily inside, kissing her with a smile on his lips before closing the door and getting in the driver's seat. As he started the car, a voice in the back of his head told him to stop. He was drunk, he shouldn't be driving. But he shook off the thought as he drove away towards his apartment.

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