chapter thirty nine

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"I really really don't think that's a good idea," Kurt said. He sat across from Lily at the kitchen table, watching her carefully and trying to figure out what was going on inside her head.

"Kurt, they're my parents," Lily insisted. "I have to tell them." She chewed on her lip, her arms wrapped tightly around her body and her leg bouncing furiously underneath the tabletop as anxiety coursed through her.

That morning at breakfast – really lunch, but they made eggs and pancakes so breakfast – Lily had suggested that the two of them drive out to Aberdeen to visit his mom and tell her about the baby. He'd jumped at the idea and agreed enthusiastically, but his mood declined dramatically when Lily had added that she wanted to visit her parents as well and share the news with them. He couldn't understand why she would want to see those people ever again with how they had mistreated her, and he knew that telling them about the pregnancy would only end badly. But Lily was stubborn; she had decided that she wanted her parents to know about the baby, even if they didn't care or didn't react well. Kurt hid his face in his hands, resting his elbows on the table and trying to process and understand the conversation as best he could. Lily stood up, walking over to him and giving him a hug. Kurt relaxed instantly into her touch, wrapping his arms around her waist and placing his forehead on top of her rounded stomach.

"I just..." Lily started. She rubbed Kurt's back calmingly as she thought of what to say. "It would feel wrong not to tell them. I know they're awful, and I hate them, but they're still my parents and I still love them...I wish I didn't, but I love them." Her voice broke as she said the last few words and Kurt was quick to pull her onto his lap, holding her close and kissing away her tears as they fell from her big sad eyes.

"Ok," he said softly. "We'll go see them and we'll tell them about the baby. But I'm coming with you this time, I don't want you to be alone."

Lily smiled at him, taking his face in her hands and kissing his lips. "Thank you," she whispered, her eyes glistening with tears as she met his ocean blue gaze.

Wendy was overjoyed when she heard that Lily was pregnant, giving both of them suffocating hugs and bursting into sobs of joy. They sat together in Kurt's old home for over two hours, sipping tea and answering his mother's endless questions.

"How far along are you?" Almost 4 months.

"Do you know the sex yet?" We have an ultrasound scheduled for next week and we'll find out then.

"Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?" Just a healthy baby, hopefully with Kurt's eyes. (A comment from Lily that made Kurt's heart flutter with love and adoration, but you wouldn't have known it from the way he rolled his eyes and playfully shrugged it off)

"When are you due?" September 30.

"How are you feeling?" Much better lately, but the beginning was rough.

"Have you started getting a nursery ready? You know I'd be more than happy to help." Thanks Mom, but we've got it handled.

"Are you excited?" Yes, I've never been more happy and more terrified in my life.

Wendy laughed sweetly at this and took Lily's hand in hers, giving it a comforting squeeze. "I know what you mean, honey," she said. "I felt the same way when I had Kurt. But believe me, you two are going to make amazing parents. I just know it."

Her reassurance brought tears to Lily's eyes. She had been doing a good job of hiding it, pushing her fear into a tiny box and shoving it to the back of her mind, but she was petrified. She and Kurt were desperate to give their baby the happy, loving home they had never had when they were children, but she couldn't stop worrying if she was in over her head. Lily had more than a few demons, and god knows Kurt did too. The very last thing she wanted to do was end up hurting their baby because of her own issues. But in a single moment, Wendy had eased her mind and soothed her worries.

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