chapter forty three

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"No Steve, I don't need a break," Lily insisted for what felt like the billionth time today. Ever since her shift had started, Steve had been trying to convince her that she needed a break. He wanted her to take a week or so off of work – she had been working nonstop, almost every single day, and he was starting to get concerned about her burning herself out, especially with the baby bump constantly growing bigger and harder to hide under her t-shirt.

"I'm not asking if you need one, I'm telling you that you need one," Steve sighed. Lily shook her head stubbornly and Steve rolled his eyes. "I didn't want to do this but you give me no choice. If you don't take a fucking break, I'll call the newspaper and tell them that Kurt Cobain's new girlfriend works at this store and then you'll have to deal with a million teenage girls cussing you out and a million creepy guys trying to get your number every. Single. Day."

Lily scowled, knowing that she was defeated. "Fuck you," she grumbled, grabbing her purse and keys.

"Love ya too, kid!" Steve called as she stomped out of the store.

Lily left the record shop and walked a few streets over to the bus stop, taking a seat on the bench and waiting for the bus to arrive. She and Kurt's new house was a little ways outside of the city, so she hadn't been able to walk to work anymore, having to take the bus back and forth instead. Kurt had offered to drive her, of course, but Lily had declined, not wanting to draw any unnecessary attention to where she worked. She had missed her solitary walks through the city, but especially now that she was four months pregnant, the bus was a welcome change.

When she got home, Pippin greeted her at the door. His mews demanded that she pick him up and she did, showering the fluffy little cat with cuddles and kisses. She called out for Kurt and, not finding him anywhere in the house, eventually wandered downstairs to the makeshift art studio he'd put together in the basement. She found him there, humming to himself quietly as he painted what looked like a rag doll with angel wings, and smiled mischievously.

"BOO!" she shouted suddenly, making Kurt nearly jump out of his skin in terror. He spun around, trying to locate his attacker, and as soon as his eyes found Lily's he relaxed.

"You fucking ass," he laughed, getting up and walking over to her, wrapping her in a suffocating hug and tugging on her hair playfully. "What are you doing home so early?"

Lily rolled her eyes. "Steve made me," she sighed. "He's forcing me to take a week off because he thinks I've been working too much, which is insane."

Kurt grinned. "Thank fucking god!" he cried, bouncing up and down happily. "I've been trying to get you to take a break for weeks! How did he convince you?"

"He said if I didn't then he would rat me out to all the girls that masturbate to you and they'd all come and torture me at work."

"Ew," Kurt grimaced. "Did you have to say it like that?"

Lily chuckled at his discomfort. "It's true," she teased. "They loOove you. They wanna fuck you and call you dadd-"

"Shut the fuck up!" cried Kurt, slapping his hand over Lily's mouth. "You're disgusting!" He laughed. Lily winked at him and licked his hand, trying to get him to move it. "That's not gonna work."

She rolled her eyes, grabbing his wrist and yanking his hand away. "Anyways, bottom line is I have a week to lay around the house and do nothing with you," she smiled, putting her arms around his neck.

"Orrrrr," Kurt said, a smirk playing on his lips. "We could go somewhere else."
"What do you mean?" Lily asked, confused.

Kurt smiled. "You know how you said you always wanted to go to Florida?" Lily nodded. "We should go! We should take a vacation and go swimming and lay on the beach and sleep in till 3:00pm and order room service and shit. It would be so much fun!"

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