chapter twenty three

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The energy in the nightclub was electrifying. As soon as they walked through the doors, Lily was hit with the absolute brick wall that was the music filling the entire space. It didn't take her long to recognize the sound as Mudhoney, one of her favorite bands. Kurt held tightly onto her hand, making sure she didn't get lost in the crowd. The four of them, Krist, Kurt, Dave, and Lily, made their way to a booth off to the side of the crowd of people dancing and milling about in front of the stage where the band was playing.

"What should we start with?" asked Krist.

"Shots!" yelled Dave and Lily.

Krist walked back in the direction of the bar to order their drinks, leaving the other three to entertain themselves. Lily sat and stared at the building surrounding her. She'd never really been to a club before, only bars and house parties. It was amazing. Music, smoke, and the smell of sweat filled the air and she breathed it all in. Kurt noticed her looking around the room, her eyes wide as she took it all in. He nudged her gently and she turned to look at him, blinking a few times to pull herself out of the depths of her mind.

"What are you thinking about?" Kurt asked her, smiling.

Lily grinned. "I was just thinking it smells like teen spirit in here." She replied. Dave snorted and all three of them collapsed into a fit of laughter.

"Jesus, I'm so sick of playing that song." Kurt groaned.

"Why? It's so good!" exclaimed Lily.

"It's ok, but we have a lot of other songs that are way better," Dave explained. "But they just aren't as well known."

"I wouldn't mind it as much if it was 'Drain You' or something else that's actually meaningful," said Kurt. "'Smells Like Teen Spirit' is bullshit. I mean, I wrote those lyrics when I was wasted at 3am!"

Lily cackled. "I still like 'em though." She said, shrugging. Kurt's eyes softened and his smile widened as he looked at her; he'd never admit it, but it meant the world to him when people liked his art. He always felt like the things he made were shit, and any amount of praise was almost enough to make his eyes blur with tears.

Krist came back with their drinks and Lily lunged towards him, nearly knocking the guy over and spilling everything in the process of grabbing two shots of vodka. She downed them both in half a second and rested her head against the wall of the booth as the booze warmed her from the inside out. The guys stared at her, mouths open in shock and awe.

"What?" She asked plainly, glancing up to see them all looking at her like she'd grown a third eye. "Am I bleeding or something?"

"I think I just fell in love with you," said Dave, making Lily and Krist laugh out loud and Kurt glare at him, only for a split second before laughing too and shaking his head.

"Are y'all gonna drink those or not?" Asked Lily, nodding to the rest of the shots as she laughed. They got the message — that she was going to drink them if they didn't — and downed the rest of the shots one by one. A minute later, the four of them were joining the crowd on the dancefloor.

Dave and Krist made a beeline for the front row, jumping up and down and screaming along with the music. As soon as her feet touched the dancefloor, Lily's body started moving to the music of its own accord. She could feel the vodka and the vibration of the instruments rushing through her veins, driving her crazier by the second. A huge grin was spreading over her lips as her hair fell over her half-lidded eyes. Kurt stayed close to her, his hands resting on her waist protectively as she danced. He could feel his breathing get heavier as he watched Lily dance; the way her body moved was even more intoxicating than the liquor. She turned around and threw her arms around his neck, grinning up at him as she swayed her hips against his. Kurt laughed and gave in, dancing with her as best as he could, following her motions. The way she moved was so free and alive, he could've sworn that the lights in the club shone only on her.

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