chapter seven

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TW! abuse

"Here." said Kurt, handing her a piece of paper with a number scrawled on it. "Call me?" He looked at her with hopeful eyes.

Lily grinned and hugged him. She tucked the piece of paper in her pocket and slipped out of the car. "Bye, Kurt." She said with a huge smile plastered on her face.

As Kurt drove away, he smiled like a madman. He was so happy to have Lily back in his life. And he couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful she was...

Lily was smiling too as she crept into her house. That was, until she sat down on her bed and was startled by a voice in the open doorway. It was her dad. And by the sound of him slurring his words, he was drunk. Very drunk.

"Where the fuck have you been?" he asked.

Lily rolled her eyes. She did not want to deal with this tonight. "I was on a drive with Kurt, Dad."

Her dad scoffed. "Of course you were. What did you do?"

Lily closed her eyes. She could already sense what he was implying and she didn't like it. "Dad...It wasn't like that. We were just hanging out. It's nothing." That should have been the end of it, but Lily was angry. "Why do you care anyways? I didn't even expect you to be home tonight."

That was a mistake. "What the fuck did you say?"
His tone was menacing. He stepped into Lily's room. Lily's heart stopped.

"I-I'm sorry," Lily pleaded. "I didn't mean it, Dad I'm sorry!" But it was too late. Her dad was already fuming with anger and it wasn't long before he was next to his daughter's bed. He grabbed a fistful of her hair and shoved her head into the pillows. 

"You'd better learn to respect your fucking father, little girl." he growled.

Lily opened her mouth to scream but he covered her mouth. She shook her head furiously. Please no, please no, PLEASE NO!! He slapped her in the face and sunk his fist into her stomach. Releasing her hair, Lily's father stomped out of the room mumbling "Little bitch" and other cruel insults. The sound of the door slamming behind him made Lily flinch.

Shaking, she kicked off her shoes and hid under the blankets, sobbing. She needed to get out of this fucking house. She couldn't take it anymore. Living in this house was like being suffocated, being slowly murdered a little bit more every day. She needed to get out; the thought repeated itself over and over again in her head, bouncing off the walls of her skull. The more Lily thought, the harder it got to breathe until she was almost hyperventilating. she couldn't breathe. Before she really processed what she was doing, Lily was crawling through her window and walking away from her house with urgent feet.

With shaking hands, Lily lit a cigarette as she kept walking. She took a long drag and held it in for a while before exhaling the smoke into the dark. She didn't know where she was going, she had no plan, but she needed to not be at home. Before long though, she arrived at the Cobain's house. Lily laughed at herself softly. Of course she would come here; it was the only place that felt safe.

She smiled in relief when she noticed that Kurt's bedroom light was on. She slowly crept up to the window and softly knocked on the glass, standing up on her tiptoes to peek into the room. Kurt was laying upside down on his bed smoking in his pajamas and he sat up, looking around confusedly when he heard Lily's knock. When he saw her, his face shifted to a still slightly confused but genuine smile. He hurried over to the window and shoved it open.

"What're you doing here?" he asked, hanging his head out the window and looking down at Lily. "Couldn't wait until morning to see me?" he joked. But his smile disappeared when he saw her shaking hands and her eyes shining with tears.

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