☆ The Villain Experience ☆

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(Outfit above)

"Oh, and this one time, I made a hundred clones of myself so I could rob a hundred banks at once!" Mr. Madden laughed in amusement as he told me and Hartley things he did as a super villain. I was currently sitting in between Colby and Hartley on the couch in the Maddens house.

"Yeah, it was all fun and games until one of his clones got weird and forced us to call him Papa." Jake said, making me furrow my brows at the thought.

"What about that time, I used my sonic scream to distract Captain Valor so Jake could crush him with a boulder?" Amy said from her spot on the couches arm, eating popcorn.

"That sounds violent." Hartley said, concerned.

"It was." Amy said, smiling at the thought.

"So where was Colby while you were all off doing those horrible things?" Hartley asked, looking at Mr. Madden.

"With the babysitter." Mr. Madden shrugged.

"Wait, supervillains use babysitters?" Hartley asked.

"Okay, fine. We left him home to play with the rats." Mr. Madden confessed.

"I'd say I'm horrified. But from what I know about you, that's pretty on brand." Hartley said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Hearing these stories just reminds me that I never got to be a villain.
I've waited my whole life to get a power so I can prove that I'm not just the runt of the family and now I will never even get a chance to fight with the rest of you." Colby said, disappointed, standing up from the couch.

"Yeah, that's rough." Mr. Madden rubbed his arm. "Who wants to do a puzzle?" Mr. Madden said, pulling a puzzle from the coffee table in front of him.

Colby shrugged his shoulders and rolled his eyes, turning and making his way to the stairs. I watched as he made his way up to his bedroom.

"I'll be back. I'm gonna go check on colby." I wispered to Hartley as she nodded. I got up from the couch and made my way upstairs as mrs. Madden walked into the room.

I found colbys bedroom and knocked on the door.

"Go away." I heard a voice say from inside the room.

I slowly opened the door to see him lying face down on his bed.

"Now, that's no way to talk to your best friend." I said sarcastically, leaning on the door frame, making him look up at me.

"Oh, hey Evelyn." He said, turning back around, laying back in the same position with his head in his bed sheets.

I walked over to his bed, sitting down beside his flat body.

"You ok?" I said, looking down at the sad and disappointed boy.
He finally sat up, crossing his legs across from me.

"No. I've waited years to get my power just for us to move to Texas and quit being super villains as soon as I get my power. I wanted to prove that I wasn't the runt of the family, and now I can't even do that. I've always been the different one, and mom and dad always favorited Amy and Jake because I didn't get my powers until now. Im just the loser of the family." He said, playing with the hem of his hoodie sleeve.

"Hey! You're not a loser! I wouldn't be your friend if you were one." I said, hitting his shoulder, trying to get him to laugh. Which some what worked as he let out a small chuckle.

"But no, really, I know how you feel. I was adopted by my parents when I was 1, and they died when I was 2. That's when we came to live with my grandma. I've always been different from Hartley. She's always doing everything right, getting great grades, doing extra curriculums, and grandma loved her for it. And I couldn't even manage to get an A on a paper. It made me feel like I wasn't enough. Still does sometimes. I couldn't even make friends, for gods sake! Well, that was until I met you." I said, smiling at Colby.

Villain Next Door ☆Colby Madden☆Where stories live. Discover now