☆ Villain Number One - Part 2 ☆

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I sighed as I followed my grandma and Hartley up the porch of the Maddens house. My grandma opened the door, hitting Amy as she did so, making me snicker a little at her reaction.

"I'd say I'm sorry, but we both know I'm not gonna mean it." She said as she walked past Amy and farther into the house.

I walked in, shutting the door behind me before turning to see Colby smiling at me. I walked over towards him, sitting down on the stool beside him. He leaned over, brushing my thigh slightly with his hand before wispering in my ear.

"You look beautiful, as usual." I widened my eyes as my face heated up. He leaned away, his hand lingering a little on my thigh before pulling it away with a smirk seeing the effect he had on me.

We hadn't really told anyone that we had, well, kissed....more than once. But even if they asked, there wasn't anything to tell. We weren't dating. No matter how much I wished, he would ask.

"What are you sitting around for? We're gonna be late for movie night at Valley View Park. It's a shark movie, and I wanna be front and center when one of those pretty boy actors gets his hand bitten off." My grandma asked, making me snap out of our little moment.

"What's wrong, Celia? Has the trill of watching those funeral mishap videos worn off for ya?" Mr Madden asked sarcastically as he continued to mess with the rubix cube in his hands.

"Nah! I still watch one every now and then for a hot pick-me-up!" She said, smiling a little too hard at the statement she had just said. "Let's go!"

"Wait. Movie night? No one told me about movie night." Amy said, making me furrow my eyebrows at her.

"What are you talking about? Me and Evelyn reminded you yesterday." Hartley said as I nodded in agreement.

"Oh. Yeah. Right, you did, but you didn't remind me today, so this one's on you." Amy said in an unsure tone. "Yeah, but still do we really wanna go? It seems like a whole thing."

"Oh, well, you're a whole thing, and we still have to spend time with you." Jake said, smiling at her in a sarcastic manner.

"He's right. You are a whole thing. You get that from your father." Mrs. Madden said, taking a drink of her coffee.

"Amy, what's going on? You promised me you'd go." Hartley asked in a worried tone.

"Of course! Cause I am always excited to spend time with my cousin." Amy said in a weird tone once again as Colby and I looked at each other confused.

"Friend? Friend. Friend. Yeah." Amy said after seeing Hartleys confused face.

"Are you okay? You're acting really weird." Hartley asked, Jake walking up behind her.

"She bought a pair of socks at the mall. I think they might be cutting off the circulation to the brain." Jake said, smiling sarcastically once again.

"I was gonna get socks too! What'd you get? Argyle? Wool?" Hartley asked, excited, making me shake my head.

"Stop talking about the socks!" Amy huffed out. "And I'm fine. I just don't understand why we want to go out when we can watch a movie here. All together. On the couch. In close range." Amy said, making me squint my eyes, confused before standing up with Colby.

"Amy, I've waited weeks for this, remember? Halfway through the movie, I'm gonna shape-shift into a shark, jump through the screen, and send everyone running for their lives!" Colby said as I shook my head at the boy in front of me with a light chuckle.

"That does sound fun! Plus, I'm always the nice guy, I could use a cheat day." Jake agreed from his sitting place behind Colby and I.

"And everyone in town already has something wrong with me, so what do I have to lose." I smiled back at Amy.

Villain Next Door ☆Colby Madden☆Where stories live. Discover now