☆ Belts, Bulls, & Superfans ☆

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(Outfit above as usual)

"Thanks for your help, Celia. I can't imagine what could've caused the garbage disposal to back up." Mr. Madden said as everyone except Colby gathered in the kitchen. He was still asleep for all we knew.

"I can. Who's been shoving their unpaid parking tickets in here?" My grandma said as she pulled a wad of paper out of the garbage disposal. Everyone's head turned to mrs. Madden.

"Hey, don't look at me! I don't even have a license!" She defended, sitting down with a cup of coffee.

"That hasn't stopped you from driving." Amy said.

"Or flying the occasional 747." Jake added.

"I don't have a license either. DMV revoked mine for drag racing." Grandma said.

"Okay. Enough work, Grandma. It's Mother's Day weekend. Time to relax." Hartley said to my grandma, reminding me this weekend was Mother's Day.

"Getting the crud out of pipes is how I relax. This sucker's gonna need a longer snake. Better get the 15-footer." Grandma Celia said as she walked out the back door, Hartley closing it behind her.

"Hey, I need your help. I can't think of a gift to get my grandma for Mother's Day." Hartley said after she closed the door.

"You're getting her a gift?" I said, leaning my elbows against the kitchen counter.

"You aren't?" Hartley said, looking at me confused.

"Well, I wasn't, but now that you said you are, I feel obligated too." I said, rolling my eyes

"Just get her something you know she'll use. Like a nightgown or a hatchet." Mr. Madden gave ideas.

"What's this about a day of mothers getting gifts? And more importantly, when do I get mine?" Mrs. Madden said, turning around in her seat to talk to Hartley.

"Sunday." Hartley said, smiling. "Wait. Don't villains celebrate holidays?"

"The only holiday we had was Onyx Day." Jake said

" Which we celebrated by bowing to our leader and showering him with gifts." Amy continued.

"Good thing it was only once a year." Hartley chuckled.

"It was every day." Amy said with a straight face.

"Well, I'm a mother and also the leader of this family, so I should be entitled to the same benefits as Onyx!" Mrs. Madden said.

"Actually, Mother's Day is more about spending time with family and honoring the importance of a mother's love." Hartley said from her table spot across from Mrs. Madden.

"Yeah, I prefer the gifts." Mrs. Madden responded.

"We don't have any money." Jake said, walking up next to Amy.

"Oh, that sounds like a you problem. So whoever bestows upon me the best gift is the winner of Mother's Day." Mrs. Madden said, smirking at her plan.

"And the losers?" Jake asked.

"And the losers get to spin my wheel of torment." Mrs. Madden chuckled, standing up.

"I thought you left your wheel in the old lair." Jake asked, confused.

"Ooh, I made a new one." She responded happily.

"Wow, this ought to be fun to watch, huh?" Mr. Madden said, standing up and putting an arm around Mrs. Madden.

"You're getting me a gift, too." She said.

"Huh, It was worth a shot." He shrugged.

"Morning, Colby." I said as he walked into the kitchen with his helmet still on his head. He had told me last night over the phone how his parents got him a super villain suit, but the helmet got stuck on his head. You would've thought he would've hung up with how much I was laughing at him.

Villain Next Door ☆Colby Madden☆Where stories live. Discover now