☆ Bad Energy ☆

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(Yeppers ^)

I walked down our stairs and into our kitchen, humming a song as I did so. Hartley sat at the table, eating a bowl of cereal when I walked in.

"Morning Ev." She said, looking up from her phone at me as I opened the fridge door.

"Morning Hart." I said as I looked through the food we had, nothing looking too interesting to me. After staring at the fridge for some bit, I closed the door, disappointed in the selection. I said my bye to Hartley before walking out the back door and to the Maddens house.

Things between me and Colby were still weird, and I hated it. What was going on with me? Every time I'm even remotely close to him, my heart starts to race, and my stomach feels weird. I don't have feelings for Colby Madden. I CAN'T have feelings for Colby Madden. He's my best friend, and that could ruin literally everything. I can't go back to being friendless. But I also can't avoid him forever. I've just got to push the weird feeling I get away until it really does go away.

I opened their back door to see the kitchen empty and the lair door wide open. I rolled my eyes at the sight. Man, they really aren't good at hiding these things for being super villains in hiding.

I started to walk down the stairs to see Colby and Amy walking up them.

"Oh hey Evelyn. Let's go." Amy said, grabbing my wrist and walking back up the stairs with me trailing behind her.

"Well, good to see you too." I said, rolling my eyes while being dragged into the kitchen again.

"Hey Ev." Colby said, giving me another one of his perfect smiles. No. Just a normal smile. Stop it, Evelyn.

"Hey. What's going on?" I asked, chuckling, confused as to why Amy drug me up the stairs.

"You remember how we gave milo my Flashform helmet to get him to not tell anyone about our lair?" Colby asked as we made our way into the living room.

"The annoying kid with the glasses whose voice is super high-pitched?" I asked, remembering the incident.

"That's the one. Well, our dad made Colby a new helmet, but he needs the old one to transfer something that makes whoever presses a button on the helmet teleport back to the lair." Amy explained as I listened, nodding my head.

"So we need to get it back before Milo finds the button and makes our whole undercover job a whole lot harder." Colby finished explaining to me.

"Yeah, that could be really bad." I said, letting out a breathy chuckle.

"Let's go. We don't have a lot of time." Amy said as we started to make our way out of the front door and made our way to the school to find Milo and Colbys helmet.


"We gotta get my helmet back. How do we find that Milo kid?" Colby said as we made our way through the school hallways, trying to find Milo.

"Oh, just follow the world's most annoying voice." Amy said as we stopped walking.

"Gather round, my peeps!" The loud annoying voice said from across the room.

"What did I tell ya?" Amy said as she winced at the sound of his voice.

"Hm, I wonder if that's him?" I said sarcastically as I looked over to the nerdy kid across the room.

"Behold, the newest addition to Milo's magnificent superhero memorabilia collection: Blue Boulder's underpants! Come on! They're special, 'cause they're used!" Milo tried to show off a pair of very large underwear as we walked up to him.

Villain Next Door ☆Colby Madden☆Where stories live. Discover now