☆ Battle For My Brother ☆

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(You know the drill. Outfit above)

"That is a good one. Okay. That sounds good. Yeah, talk soon. Okay. Bye-bye." Jake said as me and Hartley walked into the Madden house.

"Hey, Jake. Were you just talking to who I think you were talking to?" Hartley asked.

"Yup. Starling." Jake said, smiling.

"Starling? Oh. Well, I thought it was the middle-aged guy from tech support who you oddly became friends with." Hartley said, confused.

"Dennis? No, I talked to him earlier." Jake said, making me look confused as to who Dennis was. "Good news, I convinced him to ditch the hairpiece and embrace the bald." I furrowed my brows together and nodded my head confused.

"Well, did Starling ask about me?" Hartley said, sitting down next to Jake on the couch as I sat in the chair.

"Not by name, but she did tell me to say hi to my weird friend." Jake said back.

"That means she remembered me." Hartley said in a sing-song voice, making me roll my eyes playfully

"We've been talking every day since we went to our commercial shoot. And tonight, she wants to meet up in person." Jake said excitingly.

"Oh my gosh, tonight? Really? Oh, that's amazing. What am I gonna wear?" Hartley said happily.

"Well, how about pajamas? Because you're staying home. This is the first chance Starling and I have had to hang out alone, and I wanna make it special. So we're going to a junkyard." Jake said happily.

"Alright, you lost me at junkyard." I mumbled.

"Sounds romantic." Hartley said fake, smiling awkwardly.

"Was the sewage plant all booked up?" I said as Hartley glared at me.

"It's special because that's where we had our first battle. I threw a rusted out engine block at her, and she stopped it midair and threw it right back at me. It was magical." Jake explained happily. "But anyway, I need you guys to cover for me with my parents, and more importantly, Amy."

"Oh, no. I already feel guilty about keeping a secret from her. She's my best friend and she wouldn't keep secrets from me." Hartley said frantically, standing up.

"Yeah, she would." Me and Jake said in unison.

"Yeah. You're probably right. But I don't like doing it to her." Hartley said.

"Neither do I. I'm not gonna keep this from her forever, just until I can find a way to make her see the Starling that I see. You know, the one she won't wanna toss off a tall building." Jake said, standing up as I sat back into the chair farther, crossing my arms, listening in on the pair.

"Fine. But the stress of keeping this secret is getting to me. I'm starting to lose my hair. I mean, the shower drain looks like it's wearing a wig."

"Yeah....I can approve of that." I said, getting up, a disgusted expression on my face.

"Come on, you can stay for dinner. And do you mind wearing a hairnet?" Jake said, pulling a piece of hair off Hartleys shoulder and walking into the kitchen after her. I quickly followed after both of them.


"Does your family always have pancakes for dinner?" Hartley said as we were sitting at the kitchen table eating dinner with Mrs. Madden and jake.

"Well, we can't break the law anymore. At least let us break the rules of breakfast." Mrs. Madden said as I took a sip of orange juice.

"Hey, where's Colby?" Jake asked courious.

Villain Next Door ☆Colby Madden☆Where stories live. Discover now