☆ Showdown At The Round Up ☆

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(You know what I'm gonna say, lol)

"Open up. I know you're in there." I heard my grandma say from outside the maddens door as I sat beside Colby on the couch, making him scoot over so I'll have space.

"Uhhhhhh,Colby! Be a love and shape shift into me so I don't have to deal with her." Mrs. Madden groaned, making me chuckle, looking at Colby.

"I don't have all day. Well, I do. But I don't wanna waste it on y'all. Anyway, I just came to let you know I installed security cameras around the property." My grandma said, walking into the house.

"Oh, well... If this is about the missing tomatoes from your garden, I'm betting a deer stole them. Or ate them. I don't know what deer do." Mrs. Madden said, getting up and moving to lean on the counter behind the chair.

"Well, they don't like you to ride them. That much I know is true." My grandma said, making my eyes widen at my strange grandma.

"So what's with the security camera, Celia? Are you trying to stay safe from criminals?" Jake asked.

"Or helping criminals stay safe from you? Either way, thanks for stopping by." Mr. Madden said, standing up and walking towards Mrs. Madden.

"I suppose I told you you might be recorded since one of my cameras is facing your house. That's the law, according to the chief of police, AKA, my boo." Grandma Celia said as I widened my eyes in disgust.

"Wait, what part of the house?" Colby asked, worried.

"The back door." Grandma replied.

"That back door?" His eyes widened.

"Why's this child talking to me?" Grandma asked.

"Sorry, he was cuter when he was little." Jake said, smiling.

"Now, why is this child talking to me?" She asked, referring to jake. "Anyway, I can use this app to watch all the footage. I just need to read the instructions and figure out how it works, which is gonna be way more exciting than sitting around listening to you, people." She said as she walked out the door.

"This is bad." Colby said, making me look at him confused.

"So I stole a few tomatoes. Hey, it might be the least evil thing I've ever done." Mrs. Madden said blankly.

"No, I think Celia's camera caught me using my power." Colby said, making my eyes widen. If my grandma sees Colby using his power, who knows what will happen.

"That's on me. I had him shape-shift into a key when we got locked out." Jake said, confessed.

"I wasn't shape-shifting. I didn't wanna tell you guys, but there's something else I can do. The camera might've caught me doing this." Colby said, looking at all of us, looking at me last before he ran around the couch with super speed, making our mouths drop.

"You have super speed?" Mrs. Madden asked, shocked as I stared at him in amazement.

"Either that or those are really cool shoes with wheels." Jake said in awe.

"You mean these? They only go this fast. Yeah, I was disappointed, too." Mr. Madden said, wheeling in front of me with his shoes.

"Okay, how can I have both shape-shifting and super speed? Villains are only supposed to get one type of power." Colby asked, confused.

"Yeah. I mean, Jake's a strength-based, Amy's a sonic-based, mine are electrical, and your father lives here, too." Mrs. Madden said.

"Hold up, are we really not gonna talk about dad's shoes?" Jake said, completely getting ignored.

Villain Next Door ☆Colby Madden☆Where stories live. Discover now