☆ Vases, Volcanoes, & the Green-Eyed Monster ☆

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"What's that?" I asked Colby, walking up to his opened locker with a smile as he let out a low chuckle as he smiled, reading something in his hand.

"Oh, nothing." He said, looking up at me, shoving the paper into his pocket as he realized I was there. I furrowed my eyebrows, standing up from my leaning position on the locker. "Just another 'threatening' note from Daphne." Colby said, putting air quotes up with another chuckle.


"Oh, I didn't know you guys had that thing still going on." I awkwardly smiled as I crossed my arms, becoming very uncomfortable with the feeling in my chest.

"Yeah, it's just little pranks here and there. Nothing too bad. Today, I opened my locker, and a boxing glove hit my stomach, and a note was there talking about beating me in the science fair I'm going to sign up for. She's ridiculous." He playfully rolled his eyes as I let out a breathy awkward chuckle.

"Funny." I said with a smile that didn't match my eyes.

"Hey, everything okay?" Colby asked as I watched his eyes start to search my face, his hand lightly rubbing my arm.

"What? Yeah, of course. I'm just tired." I began to studder out as I smiled, using my eyes more.

"Okay. Well, i have to go. I still have to write my name on the sign up sheet." He didn't look fully convinced but dropped the topic.

"Okay. I'll see you later." I smiled, him doing the same as he leaned down and gave me a quick peck before closing his locker and walking off.

I watched as he turned the corner, letting a sigh out. I feel sorta selfish with the way I act when he brings up Daphne. I mean, we aren't dating, but I thought we weren't open to others.

I turned around, opening my locker. I glanced over to Colbys locker with a sigh. I shouldn't, right? I sighed, closing my locker and opening up colbys.

I looked at the small boxing glove attached to a spring at the back of his locker. It didn't hit me being a one-time use type of thing, I guess. In the corner of the locker was a pile of papers. I looked around anxiously before sighing once again, picking up one of the papers.


Funny prank you pulled at our study session. Could be better. Watch your back.

- Daph

I swallowed the lump in my throat, which I had either from jealousy or the anxious feeling of sneaking in his locker. Study session? What study session? Daph? Were they nickname basis? I heard the bell ring, making me throw the paper back into his locker, shutting the door behind me before heading to class.


"Two, one!" Colby said as I walked through the maddens' back door to see him pushing a button on the remote in his hand, making the volcano on the table let out a small puff of air.

"Was that supposed to do something or...?" I said, pointing to the volcano making Colby roll his eyes with a sigh.

"Hey Ev. Where have you been all day?" Colby asked, walking over to me, wrapping his arm around my waist and kissing my cheek before letting go and walking over to the volcano.

"School." I replied, confused because he was also there.

"Oh, I didn't see you in history." Colby furrowed his eyebrows, looking from me back to his controller in his hands he was messing with.

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