☆ A Superhero In Valley View ☆

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(^ yep.)

I couldn't sleep at all last night. I maybe had gotten 4 hours in. All I could think about was why I reacted like that? Me and colby had play fought many times before, and I never reacted like that. God, why was this so confusing?

I heard a knock on my door as Hartley walked in shortly after turning my light on and walking over to my window, throwing the curtains open, making me groan in annoyance at the bright light.

"Rise and shine, Evelyn. It's almost 10:30. Why aren't you up?" She said, looking over at my bed, where I rolled to the other side, throwing the blanket over my head. She stood waiting for an answer, but when I didn't say anything, she walked over to my bed and ripped the sheets off of my body.

I shivered at the sudden change of temperature as I groaned again.

"Hartley, give it back!" I shouted, covering my eyes from the bright sun light blinding me.

"No, now get up." She said, dropping my blanket on the ground by my bed and walking out. "And don't you dare try and go back to sleep, or I'll drag you out of your bedroom myself!" I heard her shout from down the hall, making me sit up, rolling my eyes.

I sluggishly got out of my bed and made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. I walked past Hartley, who was sitting at the table and opened the cabinet to grab a bagel, placing it into the toaster. I turned and leaned my back on the counter as I rubbed my eyes and yawned.

"Why are you so tired today?" Hartley asked, taking a bite from her cereal.

"I couldn't sleep last night like at all." I said, walking over and seating across from her.

"Why not?" She asked, confused because I usually don't have trouble sleeping.

I can't tell her why. I can't tell her it's because I'm confused with my sudden change in reaction to colby.

"I'm not sure." I said just as my bagel popped up from the toaster, making me stand up and get it, placing it on a plate before walking to the fridge, opening it, and grabbing strawberry cream cheese.


I had just finished getting ready for the day and walked outside. I closed the door behind me, turning around to see Colby and my grandma talking. Great. I was planning on trying to stay away from Colby as much as possible today. It's just all so confusing.

"Evelyn! Would you look at that, Celia? It's Evelyn. Guess that's my cue to go. Let's go, Evelyn." Colby said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me past my grandma and walking off down the sidewalk until we were in his front yard.

"Thank God you walked out when you did. Your grandma was just about to go into detail about what she saw Jake do this morning, and I was not looking forward to it." He sighed as I chuckled awkwardly.

We walked into the house as I followed him down to the lair where Mr and Mrs Madden were.

"Hey, Celia just stopped me and said she's really upset at Jake for what he did outside her window this morning." Colby said as we walked down the stairs.

"Hmm. Stop right there. I don't wanna know what he was doing." Mrs Madden said, looking at him.

"He was rearranging our garden gnomes into very inappropriate poses." Colby said, making me scrunch my nose in disgust.

"Oh, that's both better and worse than what I was thinking." Mrs Madden said, furrowing her eyebrows and chuckled.

"No, that's impossible. Jake spent the morning LARPing with me." Mr Madden said, stepping in front of mrs. Madden.

Villain Next Door ☆Colby Madden☆Where stories live. Discover now