☆ A Little Havoc ☆

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(Outift above)

"Uh!" I was walking into school with Hartley as a banana peel flew and hit her in the head, sticking to her face, making me let chuckle. We continued to walk into the school to see Amy turning around, holding in a laugh.

"Amy?" Hartley said, annoyed.

"Oh hey, Hartley! You've got a little something on your..." Amy said, turning around again.

"I know!" Hartley cut her off, ripping the banana peek off her head and throwing it into the trash.

"The Sunshine Club is picking up trash around school. I was thinking maybe you could help us." Hartley said, reminding me she's making me help her do that. I rolled my eyes just at the mention of the club.

"Why would I do that?" Amy asked, turning away from Hartley and I.

"Because most of it is yours!" Hartley said, annoyed.

"You can't prove that." Amy said, shutting her locker.

"Oh." Hartley quickly stopped a girl with a sunshine club shirt who was walking past with a bag of trash. She pulled a piece of paper out and started to read it.

"You're picking up my trash. Therefore, know that I am better than you." She said, looking up at amy.

"Well, that could've been anyone." Amy sarcastically said.

"Bow down to your supreme leader, Amy." Hartley read, pulling another paper out of the trash bag.

"That's not littering. That's just me spreading my message to the masses." Amy corrected, making me smile.

Amy was definitely the complete opposite of Hartley, and I'm not complaining one bit. Me and amy were definitely more alike than Hartley and I. It was good to have another girl around who wasn't so hooked on the idea of glitter, unicorns, and superheros.

"You can't just throw your garbage wherever you want." Hartley said, throwing the paper back into the trash bag, letting the girl holding it finally leave.

"Why not? Gives your little sunshine gang something to do besides attacking people with your smiles." Amy said, turning around and walking away a sarcastic smile still on her face as me and Hartley followed after.

"Your bad behavior has consequences. If you keep littering, other kids will think they can, too. And before long, this whole place will be one big old dump!" Hartley said, making Amy stop and turn around to look at her as I rolled my eyes from behind Hartley, making Amy smile.

"In the can, Tony! Put it in the can!" Hartley harshly yelled at the kid making him quickly pick the apple core he had just thrown and put it in the trash as my eyes widened at my sister, a small smirk placed on my lips from amusement. "Thank you! Have a "sunshine-y" day!" She quickly replaced the look of anger with a sweet smile and waved at the teen running away.

"Great, now I'm gonna be late for my first day as a mentor." Hartley said, looking at the notification she had just gotten.

"Okay, Hartley. Let's just skip through the part where I pretend to care and just tell me what I need to know." Amy said, sarcastically smiling as I moved to stand next to her.

"It's the first day of my new program for the Sunshine Club. I'm taking babysitting a step further by teaching kids values and giving them a role model to look up to. Doesn't that sound fun?" Amy said, smiling widely.

"Huh? Sorry, I heard kids and values and zoned out." I said sarcastically, smiling.

"No. It sounds like you have too much time on your hands. Perhaps I'm not littering enough!" Amy answered, starting to walk off.

Villain Next Door ☆Colby Madden☆Where stories live. Discover now