☆ Trust No One ☆

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(What you're wearing above)

"Evelyn, hurry up. I know you're tired, but can you pick up the pace a little bit? Maybe put a smile on your face?" Hartley said, walking up the maddens porch.

"Hartley, it's 7:35 in the morning. The only way you're getting a smile out of me is if you say I can go back to bed." I said, walking up the porch steps.

Hartley rang the doorbell as we heard a loud thud from inside the house. As soon as Amy opened the door, Hartley practically skipped in.

"Good morning! How are my favorite super villains!" Hartley said way to energetic. "I was up all night thinking about it, and I have so many questions. Have you met Captain Valor? I heard his real names Doug. And what about sparkle girl. I heard she smelled like truth, justice, and coconuts!"

"Hartley, we would love to answer all your questions, but just now's not really the best time. They're still, kind of, processing the fact that you and Evelyn know our secret." Jake said as I made my way over towards the couch.

"Oh, what's wrong? Don't you trust us?" Hartley asked the two super villains.

"Of course we do. In fact, we trust you so much. We wanna lock you in a medium-sized box and never let you out." Mr. Madden said to what I hope was a sarcastic way.

"I'm gonna head out. See you at school!" Hartley quickly said, widening her eyes and hurring out the door.

"Hey, wait! And there goes my ride." I said, dropping my bag on the ground and sitting on the couch as Mr. Madden started staring out the windows.

"I can't believe you don't trust Hartley. She's a good person." Jake said, leaning on the back of the couch.

"Yeah, a little too good and honest. It's gonna be impossible for her to keep our secret." Mr. Madden said.

"Now that I think about it, Dad might be right. Did you know she'd never lied to her grandmother. Ever." Amy said.

"That is true. One time, I tried to get her to cover for me so I could sneak out, and she got super red and sweaty, and a weird rash thing showed up on her neck." I said, shuttering at the thought of the rash.

"Oh, well, that does it for me. I can't trust anyone who doesn't lie to their own family." Mrs. Madden chuckled.

"Wait? Does that mean you lie to me?" Colby said with a disgusted and betrayed look on his face. "What? Noooo." Mrs. Madden said back, brushing his chest.

"It would make it a lot easier to trust her if we had something to hold over her. That way, she'd be forced to keep our secret." Mr. Madden said, walking around the couch.

"Are you actually suggesting using blackmail on my sister? Cause if so, I'm totally in!" I said, smiling at the thought.

"Woah, woah, woah. Hartley's my friend. If anyone's gonna blackmail her, it's gonna be me." Amy said, standing up from her spot on the chair.

"Yeahhhhh. I was thinking maybe someone else could do it." Mr. Madden said.


"Well, you did spill our secret. And let's not forget the whole Onyx thing."

"What about the whole "Onyx thing?"

"You went to go fight for your mother's promotion. And now, we're hiding out in Texas, making small talk with neighbors named clyde!" Mr. Madden yelled, walking into the kitchen.

"Oh, so all of a sudden, everyone , I'm the mess up of the family?" Amy huffed out.

"Not all of a sudden. I've always thought that." Jake said, sarcastically smiling.

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