☆ Villain Number One - Part 1 ☆

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I awoke looking around to see I was in my room. That's when everything from last night came flooding back, making me smile to myself. Colby had walked me home, and i'm not lying, I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow, a smile on my face, of course.

I fluttered my eyes a few times, adjusting to the light before turning to sit, my legs dangling off the side of the bed as I threw my blanket off my body.

I looked down to see the villain suit I had been put into. I must have not taken it off before going to bed.

I sluggishly got out of bed, rubbing my eyes a little as I made my way to my bathroom to get ready for the day.

I picked out a simple but cute sweatpants outfit. After the past few days, I've had I didn't feel like wearing anything too crazy and I wanted to be comfortable.

After I did so, I walked downstairs to see Hartley about to walk out the back door.

"Oh hey Ev. I'm going to the maddens for breakfast. You comin?" She asked, stopping with the door halfway opened.

"Yeah, maybe in a bit." I said, walking towards the fridge.

"Evelyn! Come help me. I think I clogged my shower drain again!" I closed the fridge door spinning around to look at Hartly with widened eyes.

"On second thought, I think I'll go with you now." I said, ushering Hartley out the back door before Grandma could see us leave.

We walked into the maddens' house, saying our hellos before sitting down at the table, mrs. Madden generously placed a plate in front of us both.

We both were eating and talking with the maddens when we turned to see the back door began to open. Hartley and I faced each other with wide eyes as we saw who it was.

"Morning, Celia." Mr Madden said, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Don't be weird." Grandma snapped back as i took a drink of my orange juice. "What's this? I didn't get an invite to breakfast."

"And yet, here you are." Mrs. Madden said, standing up from her spot at the table.

"Hartley, Evelyn, I need you to come home and pop something on my back and help me with my shower drain." My grandma said, making us all groan and gag in disgust.

"I just hope whatever comes out this time doesn't have a tail." Grandma continued making me squeeze my eyes shut.

"Celia, this might be the reason you don't get an invite to breakfast." Jake came to the conclusion.

"Do you wanna see it squirming around?" Celia threatened jake.

"No!" We all said in unison as Grandma started to walk back towards the door before stopping when we all heard a way to familiar yelp.

I placed my fork down, turning to look at amy and Jake with widened eyes.

"What was that? It was like I ran into someone, but no one's there." Grandma said, looking around with a confused look on her face.

"Uh, must be another ghost." Jake nervously said, laughing.

"I swear, you accidentally bulldoze one house full of drifters, and they never let you forget it." Grandma said, making me furrow my eyebrows before shaking my head as she left.

"Colby!" Mr Madden said in a stern tone.

"What were you thinking using your invisibility around Celia?" Mrs. Madden said as colby turned back to his visible self.

"It's not my fault. I turned invisible to scare Jake this morning, but he took so long manscaping that I started playing on my phone. I must've gotten so distracted that I forgot to turn back. Yeah, it was totally my fault." Colby tried defending himself before stopping, realizing he was in the wrong, making me shake my head with a smile.

Villain Next Door ☆Colby Madden☆Where stories live. Discover now