☆ ColossaCon! ☆

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(Outfit above)

"Why does every movie end with the superhero winning?" Amy said as me, her, Hartley, and Jake were gathered in the living room watching a movie.

"Mm. Because people love seeing good prevail over evil." Hartley said, eating a piece of popcorn staring intensely at the screen.

"And I love how much it bothers Amy. Let's watch it again!" Jake said, picking up the TV remote.

"Jake, your sister and your neighbors are your weekend plans. Should you really be trash-talking?" Amy said back to her brother.

"Whoa!" We all yelled as Colby transformed in front of us, laying on the coffee table.

"What up, fam?" He said, looking at us, smirking.

"Colby! Stop using your powers to scare us." Amy said, annoyed.

"Look, my whole life, this family's been pranking me with powers. Now, I'm finally getting some payback." He said, standing up in front of me. "Let's see how Mom reacts to a rattlesnake in her toilet!" He said, running up the stairs.

"Wait, Colby, I don't think that's a good.....and he's gone." I said, turning around quickly.

"I'm not sure he's really thought that one through." Jake said as we all nodded.


"Coming to The Capital Convention Center, it's the superhero event of the century! COLOSSA-CON! Where superheroes meet super-fans!" The TV announcer said loudly on the TV.

"Who would even go to that?" Amy said, disgusted laughing at the people who would.

"I've gone the last five years!" "She's gone the last five years." Me and Hartley said at the same time, Hartley super excitedly and me saying it monotone, rolling my eyes.

"On purpose?" Amy asked, sarcastically smiling as Hartley nodded.

"We've got superhero cosplay, superhero t-shirts, superhero snacks, and did we mention... superheroes!" The man shouted.

"You did. You did mention superheroes." Amy said, annoyed.

"And, for the first time ever, making her ColossaCon debut... Fresh off her victory over super villain Havoc, Starling!"

"What?!" Jake and Amy yelled at the same time as Amy shot up from her spot on the couch beside me.

"That's right, I'm coming to my favorite state, Texas! Don't tell Arkansas!" The superhero said happily from the TV.

"No way! Starling's my favorite..." Hartley started, standing up but stopped when Amy glared at her. "Person to hate because she's your nemesis." She quickly said, slowly sitting back down.

"Nice save. I like where this is going. Why else do you hate her?" Amy said, sitting back down and grabbing the bowl of popcorn.

"Uh, because she insulted Arkansas in a cute and endearing way. Oh, you know what? I can't say anything bad about her. She's perfect. I always wanted to meet her. One time, I thought about strapping myself to a rocket just to see if she'd save me." Hartley said, giving up.

"Maybe you should go forward with that idea." I mumbled, Hartley not hearing me, but Amy did turning around and smirking at me.

"I'd like to strap myself into a rocket just to get out of this conversation." Amy put down the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table and standing up.

"I know she's a superhero, and you're a super villain, but why do you hate her so much?" Hartley said, getting up to as I quickly grabbed the bowl of popcorn, sitting back, relaxing into the couch.

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