☆ Dojo Mojo ☆

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"I spy with my little eye, something that starts with T." Hartley said excitingly as we sat at the maddens kitchen table. I sighed, resting my head on my hand, starting to grow very bored.

"Hartley, for the last time, we're not playing this silly game with you." Mr Madden said, taking a sip of his coffee as I nodded.

"It's a table! Right?" Mrs Madden interrupted enthusiastically. "You tell me, or I will burn this house to the ground!" She threatened, pointing at Hartley as our eyes widened.

"Sorry, I get a bit competitive." She apologized before walking out of the room.

"I can't wait for tomorrow!" Colby exclaimed as he walked into the room.

"Oh, uh, happy birthday, Colby!" Mr Madden said, picking his plate up as a present.

"Tomorrow's not my birthday." Colby slowly said, trying to take the plate, Mr Madden pulling it back.

"You say that every time! One of these days, it will actually be your birthday and boy, oh, boy, won't you feel silly." Mr Madden said, standing up as Colby placed his laptop on the table, sitting to the right of me.

"Tomorrow is when the newest limited edition Sky Gordan sneakers drop online!" He said, opening the laptop excitingly.

"Good luck. Evelyn and I have been online for the last five drops and never get any." Hartley said, nodding towards me as I nodded, a small annoyed frown on my face.

"Uh, you're into Sky Gordans, too?" Colby asked Hartley as she nodded.

"Yeah, but they always sell out instantly." She huffed.

"Well, luckily, I can finish checking out really fast and get all three of us a pair with my super-speed. Peep this." He said, starting to use his superspeed to type.

"Boom! I just left 68 nasty online reviews for restaurants I've never even been to." He proudly said, putting his arm up on the chair.

"Colby, with speed like that, we'll definitely beat out those bots!" Hartley said as I smiled.

"Sorry, what are bots?" Mrs Madden said as she walked in curiously.

"Oh, computer programs people make to beat everyone else out so they can hoard all the sneakers for themselves." Colby explained.

"The annoying part is, they don't even want the sneakers. They just know they're limited, so they resell them at ten times the price." Hartley threw her hands up.

"The worst is 'Sneaker Queen Two-five-two.' She wins all the drops, then brags about it in her posts." Colby jealously said, rolling his eyes. I felt his hand rest on my thigh, lightly rubbing his thumb on my leg under the table.

"Like this. 'What's up, losers? You lose again? Must feel bad to lose, ya losers!" Hartley scoffed.

"She really likes that word, huh?" I rolled my eyes.

"Not very creative but extremely hurtful." Hartley said, putting her phone down.

"Sounds like a lot of work just to get sneakers. Who has time for that?" Mrs Madden asked, confused.

"Well, moms just don't get the clout of being dripped out in new grails." Colby said, making me curl my lips in.

"Do me a favor and never say that again, Colbs." I said, rubbing his hand that rested on my leg with my hand as he chuckled at my statement.

"Oh, Eva's such a mom. I'm all about the grail drip." Mr Madden said, making Hartley, Colby, and I furrow are brows before shaking his comment off.

"So, want me to snag you two a pair with my super-speed, too?" Colby said, taking his hand off my leg to open his laptop.

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