☆ Vials And Tribulations ☆

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(Uh, huh. That's right. ^ )

Hartley knocked on the door as we opened it and walked into the Madden family kitchen.

"There you are. We're gonna be late." Amy said, getting up out of her seat and turning to Hartley.

"For what? We still have an hour before school starts." Hartley asked, confused.

"You know how I've been trying to get tickets for this weekend's sold-out Fuchsia concert?" Amy asked.

"What the heck is a Fuchsia?" Jake asked, chuckling.

"You know that music I play to drown out the sound of your voice? That's her. Anyway, I heard they're doing a last-minute drop of tickets down at the arena. If we go down there fast, we might get some." Amy smiled proudly as I sat down at the table beside Colby.

"Now? But we'll be late for school. Oh, but I do wanna see Fuchsia. But if we're late, I'll get detention. She never comes to Texas. Oh, but if I get detention, then it'll break my streak of never getting detention... " Hartley debated with herself.

"How about we just go do this and make all the voices in your head happy." Amy said, putting her hands on her shoulders and pushing her out the back door.


I slowly walked out of the girls' bathroom and looked around to see if there were any teachers or annoying teachers pets that would snitch around, sighing when I didn't see anyone.

I was skipping 1st period, and I hid in the bathroom until everyone was out of the hallways. I started walking towards my locker. I heard walking from around the corner, making my eyes widen, and my head whipped to the side. I ran around the corner and quickly hid.

"We got the tickets. We got the tickets. Oh, I can't believe we beat out all those people in line." I heard Hartley laugh, making me sigh in relief.

"Yeah. No, once I hip checked that first guy, the rest just fell like dominoes." Amy laughed and turned to see me leaning against the locker.

"Oh hey Evelyn." She said, opening her locker beside me.

"I've never been so alive." Hartley jumped excitingly.

"Wait. Where is everyone? Oh, no. We're four minutes late. This is what I get for losing myself in a moment of joyous enthusiasm." Hartley said, checking her phone.

"It's fine, Hartley. I skip class all the time and no one's ever in the hallways." I reassured.

"Yeah! Hartley, I'm a pro at sneaking in. Trust me, no one's gonna know we're late." Amy explained, agreeing with me.

"No one except me." Colby said, popping out of nowhere, turning visible. "You're not the only pro at sneaking in late. I do it all the time. And it's a lot easier now that I can turn invisible since, you know, chosen one." Colby said, leaning against the lockers.

"There you are! I need help sneaking out, and you can help me." I said, stepping closer to him.

"Wait. You go to the school?" Hartley asked, confused.

"Yeah. I'm a freshman. I just missed a couple of months when I was stuck in my shape-shifting loop." Colby explained.

"But I haven't seen you here since then." Hartley said, again, confused.

"Yeah, cause now I'm in a school skipping loop. But that's on purpose. See ya!" Colby said, disappearing.

"Hey, wait for me!" I said, looking around, confused as to where he went. I threw my hands up in annoyance and turned around to look at amy and Hartley. I turned and stomped away from them and started to look for Colby.

Villain Next Door ☆Colby Madden☆Where stories live. Discover now