☆ Finding Another Dimension ☆

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(Outfit above <3)

"Slow down, Hartley jeez!" I said as my sister practically dragged me to the neighbors house, our grandma not too far behind.

"Sorry! I'm just excited!" Hartley was always the energetic type. If you ask me, being that energetic looks like a lot of work. We made it to the front porch of the house, and my grandma rang the doorbell. There was a sound of ruffling around from behind the door, making my grandma grow impatient.

She let out a huff as she began to ring the doorbell, probably a total of 20 times more. I just wanted this to hurry up so I could go back home, watch Netflix, and suffocate in my pillows on my bed.

A tall man finally opened the door, backing up next to what I assumed to be his wife.

"Oh, look, everybody. It's our landlady, Celia, and her granddaughters Hartley and Evelyn!" A woman with blond hair and a British accent said, smiling.

Hartley smiled and waved her hand. I was playing with a piece of my hair when I felt Hartley elbow me in the arm, making me let out a small "ow." I sarcastically smiled towards the strange family, quickly giving Hartley a glare and going back to playing with my hair.

"Hello, landlady Celia and her granddaughters Hartley and Evelyn." The family said in sync. I scrunched my eyebrows together, looking at the strange family.

"Your first month's rent is ten bucks short." My grandma said, stepping into the house.

"Oh, sorry about that. Can you break a twenty?" The tall man said, pulling out a twenty dollar bill and handing it to my grandma.

"Nope." My grandma said as she ripped the money out of the mans hand.

"You look really familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?" Hartley asked the teen girl, stepping into the house.

"Ok, let's just walk right into our neighbors house and invade their privacy." I mumbled, leaning on the doorframe. I looked up to see the younger boy who looked to be about my age look at me and smile. I made a tiny smile and looked away, back towards my sister.

"No, I don't think so." The girl said uncomfortably.

"Well, we were just about to start a family movie night." The women said, walking towards the door.

"Great! What are we watching? I love a good war movie!" My grandma said, walking towards the couch and sitting down, Hartley following and sitting beside her. I walked into the house a little more and stood by the wall. We just met these people. I didn't want to invade their house any more than my grandma and sister already were.

"Uh, on second thought, we really should get some rest. We're still adjusting to the time difference here in Texas." The older man said as they all began to really badly fake yawn.

"Remind me where you're from again?" Grandma Celia said, standing up from the couch.

"Tallahassee." "Delaware." "Taiwan." " Boston." They all said at the same time. Weird.

"We never stay in the same place too long." The blonde women said awkwardly.

"Well, that's a red flag. I'll take next months rent too." Grandma Celia said, sticking her hand out.

Villain Next Door ☆Colby Madden☆Where stories live. Discover now