☆ No Escape - Part 2 ☆

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"Now that we've secured the Chosen One, and well her, I can return to Valley View and take out the rest of them." Declan said as I stood beside Colby, both of us locked up with handcuffs.

"That won't be necessary, Oculon." Onyx said in a deep voice.

"That's right, it won't because my family is going to get you first." Colby said harshly as I stood, not really sure what to do.

"Exactly. Those fools will be here soon enough to try to save their precious son. And when they do, we'll be ready." Onyx said, making me turn to look at colby worried.


"In your family's absence, Onyx took over your former lair and brought dignity to this den of betrayal." Declan, or Oculon?, said to Colby.

"It smells like he also brought whatever nasty stench is underneath that robe." Colby chuckled as I rolled my eyes at Onyx.

"You will afford our leader the respect he deserves." Oculon said sharply at Colby.

"Do you pay him every time he sucks up to you, or is it more of a blanket deal?" Colby sassed.

"Enough!" Onyx yelled in a bellowing voice once again.

"What do you want with me and Evelyn anyway?" Colby asked, making me nod.

"All will be revealed in time." Onyx replied blankly.

"Yes, well, here's a reveal. I have multiple powers. And I'm about to use my invisibility to help us escape. Later, dudes." Colby said, grabbing my hand and starting to walk away before we both stopped, feet frozen in place.

"What the?" I asked, looking down at my feet before back up to Onyx.

"It's not working. I can't move!" Colby said, looking at me worried.

"That's because he just immobilized you. Pay attention, Chosen One. The show is about to begin. Look who just showed up in Centropolis." Onyx said, motioning to a TV screen. We turned to see Amy and Jake in their villain suits.

"No. Don't hurt them!" Colby said frantically.

"Unlike you, I don't disclose my plans before I execute them." Onyx said proudly.

"You're going to execute them?!" Colby said frantically once again.

"What? No, I meant executing the plan." Onyx replied, explaining what he meant.

"So you're not gonna execute them?" I asked, confused but also hopeful.

"I didn't say that." Onyx said sharply.

"Then what are you saying?" Colby asked as we looked at the masked man confused.

"Nothing. Never mind." Onyx said irritated with the two of us.


"Looks like your little lap dog Oculon got what he deserves. I told you my family would come for us. " Colby said as we watched the Maddens and Hartley fight Oculon on the TV.

"You'll never be able to take them all down." I said confidently after Colby.

"I don't have to. You will." Onyx said as he sent a glowing red cloud towards Colby.

"No! Stop! What are you -" Colby said, trying to shake the cloud away.

"No! Colby!" I said, worry lacing my voice.

"You will give in to my control." Onyx said as colby stood up straight, making my eyebrows furrow.

"Yes, all powerful leader." Colby said in a monotone voice.

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