☆ Unleash The Chaos ☆

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(Do I even have to say anymore, lol?)

"Hey, Amy. I made a new batch of sorry-for-being-a-bad-friend cookies." Hartley said as we walked into the maddens' house.

"She's upstairs. You're still baking things to smooth things over with her?" Jake asked as we walked over, and I sat beside him at the dining table.

"Yeah. Do you think it's working?" Hartley asked, hopeful.

"As a way to get back on a good side? No. As target practice? Yes." Jake said.

"Where's the target?" Hartley asked.

"I was the target. She almost knocked me out with one of your cinnamon buns." Jake said, widening his eyes a little.

"Any luck with you, Evelyn?" Jake asked me.

"Nope. I've texted her like a thousand times, and she left me on read for all of them." I sighed, sitting back in my chair in frustration.

"Amy hasn't talked to me in days. I'm starting to think that when she said I'm not her brother anymore, she really meant it." Jake said, worried.

"I just hate being on the outs with her." Hartley said, sitting the cookies down and sitting across from him.

"Me too. I mean, sure, we constantly lob insults at each other, but for us, those are like hugs." Jake said sadly.

"You know, none of this would have happened if you would've just told her you were hanging out with Starling, her biggest nemesis." Hartley reasoned.

"Well, you didn't tell her either." Jake defended himself.

"You told me not to." Hartley said.

"Well, that's your fault for listening to me. That's two mistakes in a row." He shrugged as Amy started her way down the stairs, making us stand up.

"Amy, my bestest goodest friend." Hartley said, grinning nervously as I awkwardly smiled and chuckled.

"It's a beautiful day to forgive and forget." Jake said awkwardly laughing.

"Save it, I just came down to get a cookie." Amy said, walking past her.

"Oh, well, I just happen to have one." Hartley said, gesturing towards the cookies she was holding.

"A store-bought cookie." Amy said blankly.

"I feel horrible. I swear I was only keeping Jake's secret to protect him and your family." Hartley tried to explain.

"Me too. We should have told you in the first place. We're so sorry." I said, looking at amy sorrowful.

"And I should've told you I was talking with Starling from the beginning. I know you're hurt, but that was never my intention." Jake said sadly as Amy pinched his arm quickly and aggressively.

"Ow!" Jake said, holding his arm.

"Oh, did that hurt?" Amy asked, pretending to care.


"I'm sorry, that was never my intention." Amy said, smiling sarcastically.

"I know you're mad, but I do appreciate you not telling mom and dad about everything." Jake said.

"Why would I? I'm actually loyal to my brother. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go get a cookie and hang out with the brother who didn't betray me even if he is an old man." Amy said as old man Colby came through the kitchen door.

"Anyone seen my adult diaper?" Colby asked, making us all cringe in disgust.

"Why couldn't he stay as the hot twenty year old?" I mumbled to Hartley, making her nod her head in agreement.

Villain Next Door ☆Colby Madden☆Where stories live. Discover now