☆ Friend Or Foe ☆

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(Yep. Outfit above.)

"Okay! Mom should be home any minute and it's her first day of work since we got to Texas, so we should make her feel really proud unless she thinks the banner says it all then we can just leave." Mr. Madden said as he made sure the banner looked good.

"Wait. The last time we tried to congratulate Mom on a job thing, we were blown out of our lair by a giant fireball. So are we sure we want to do this again?" Jake said as colby nodded his head as I awkwardly stood there. I'm proud of mrs. Madden, yes, but I still feel out of place in this situation. I mean, I heard about what happened, but I don't physically know how it feels to be fired. Literally. They were thrown out of their old lair by a fire ball.

"Uh, yes. Plus, now, she's working at Little Duke's Pizza, so if we're nice, maybe she can nab us some garlic knots. Oh, shoot, I forgot the balloons." Mr. Madden said.

"I got you." Colby said, running out of the room, using his super speed as loud popping could be heard. "Fun fact, balloons and super-speed do not mix." Colby said as the front door opened.

"Congratulations!" We all yelled as mrs. Madden walked into the room.

"How was your first day, Mom?" Jake asked, smiling just to be met with a groan.

"Terrible." She said, annoyed.

"This is how the last one started. Here comes the fireball!" Jake said, trying to hunch down.

"That Little Duke is a big grouch." Mrs. Madden said.

"Really? He seems so happy on the pizza box. Plus, he's got that fun handlebar mustache that's just beggin' to be twirled. I'm trying to grow one." Jake said, proud of his "mustache. ".

"I know. We all laugh when your one little hair blows in the wind." Colby said, rolling his eyes, making me nod at jake in agreement as he gave me an offended look.

"The worst part is that Little Duke's super slow at making pizzas. And since I mostly get paid in tips, I'm hardly making any money!" Mrs. Madden complained.

"Oh, I'm sorry you had a bad day, honey. Is that pizza for us?" Mr. Madden asked, sitting down on the couch as I sat in the chair across from Mrs. Madden, Colby, sitting on the chair arm beside me.

"No, I'm supposed to deliver it to the Greenblatts. I just stopped home to complain." She said, making me furrow my eyebrows.

"Could be another reason why you're not getting any tips." Jake said reasonably.

"I also ate a slice." She chuckled, opening the box to show the missing piece.

"And there's another reason." Jake added as I started to play with the hem of Colby sweatshirt sleeve as I listened to the conversation.

"Eva, I have a thought. Who needs Little Duke's when I can build a super-powered pizza oven that makes pizzas ten times as fast as he can?" Mr. Madden stood up.

"And since super-speed is one of my multiple new powers, I can use it to deliver the pizzas door-to-door in seconds! We'll get huge tips!" Colby said, getting up, making me frown now that I can't play with his sleeve.

"Colby, that's a great idea." Mrs. Madden said excitingly.

"You know, I think it's time you all start calling me by my new name: The Chosen One." He said, sitting back down beside me on the chair arm, handing me his hand to play with his sleeve again as everyone groaned.

"I wish we could choose another one." Jake said, rolling his eyes.

"Nice try bubs, but I'm not calling you that." I said, playing with his sleeve as I could see him out of the corner of my eye roll his eyes, stopping and staring at my hands, smiling softly as I played with his sleeve.

Villain Next Door ☆Colby Madden☆Where stories live. Discover now