☆ Power Hungry ☆

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I groaned as I opened the Maddens front door to see Jake and Amy sitting on the couch.

"Nice to see you too, Evelyn." Jake sarcastically said, making me roll my eyes.

"I'm so done helping with the Sunshine club. Hartley just keeps dragging me into it." I said, plopping down on the chair closer to Jake. The door to the kitchen swung open, making us all turn to see Colby walking through quickly with blonde hair.
My Jaw dropped at the sight.

He looked drop-dead gorgeous.

"Guys, I have amazing news!" Colby exclaimed, Mr Madden following him. "Oh hey Ev." He said smiling when he saw I was here.

"Your hair." Amy said as I watched from the chair in shock.

"No.That's just the result of one of Dad's experiments gone wrong. It should be back to normal in about an hour. Right, Dad?" Colby explained, turning to his dad.

"Sure!" Mr Madden said, turning to Amy and shaking his head while mouthing no. "The important thing is that now we know that a child's head can withstand a lightning bolt." Mr Madden said before the front door swung open.

"Guys, I have amazing news!" Hartley said, shutting the door behind her with a grin.

"Me too." Colby said with a smile.

"Your hair." Hartley said, walking towards him.

"It's not my hair." Colby said through his teeth, beginning to grow frustrated by the sudden interest in his hair.

"Anyways, Mary Stephens is coming to town this weekend." Hartley said excitingly.

"No way." Amy said in a sarcastic, excited tone.

"Really?" I said sarcastically, dropping my mouth, going along.

"Yes!" Hartley continued.

"The Mary Stephens?" Jake said, going along with me and Amy's act.

"I have no idea who that is." Amy said, uninterested.

"Me neither." Jake and I said at the same time.

"She's only the founder of the very first Sunshine Club." Hartley said, practically jumping with excitement.

"I swear if I hear one more thing about the sunshine club, I'm gonna jump off a cliff." I said, rolling my eyes and sinking farther into the chair.

"Mm, too bad she wasn't the very last." Amy said, ignoring my comment.

"Every year, Mary does a nationwide search for Sunshine Club President of the Year, and this year, I'm one of the top three finalists. Take that, Linda Shermahorn of Chapter 247." Hartley went on with her Sunshine club rant.

"Okay, time for my news." Colby tried to interject.

"In a minute, blondie. I've tried every year to be nominated for this award, but being top three isn't good enough. I have to win. So I'm going to make her visit to Valley View absolutely perfect." She said, sitting down next to Amy on the couch.

"Aw, I wish I could get excited about something so simple. But, you know, super computer brain. It's a real burden." Mr Madden bragged as colby rolled his eyes.

"Seriously? This morning, you squealed and clapped your hands at a donut." Jake said in disbelief.

"Jake, what have I told you about spying on Daddy during donut time?" Mr Madden said, making us all look at him with a weird look.

"Okay, and I'm gonna ignore that." I mumble, sitting up a little.

"Okay, that's it. I'm telling my news. The Chosen One has a new power. Transference." Colby said, grabbing my attention as I sat up more.

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